Political Correctness....you're kidding, right ?

As a Christ follower, I, like everyone else, grapple with sin everyday. I don't think God sees any difference between our sin, sin is sin.

There are some amongst us who believe that being politically correct is more important than biblical truth. Seriously, how do you think that is going to measure up against God's holiness and His truth...and His Word....where it lays out very clearly, exactly what sin looks like ?

Obviously each person needs to determine what their own conscience says about these issues, but for me, some of them could easily become deal breakers.

If they go too far...I am out! My conscience won't allow me to stay in.

And I continue to grapple with sin....
It's everywhere.
The world thinks it's ok.
It always has.
Jesus came to set captives free.
We choose to stay captive.
Just because the world thinks it's ok, doesn't mean it is.

It's a narrow road that leads to heaven and it's not a popular road. It's criticized all the time. Ridiculed, questioned, scoffed at, compromised, disbelieved, and watered down....

So was Jesus.

But still I will walk that road, well at least keep trying.

Don't misunderstand me... I know well that my God loves sinners, every single one of us,
But I also know...He hates sin. Every variety of it.


  1. I agree Gary, sin is sin and God does not differentiate between what we catagorise. As I watch what is going on in society at the moment I can't help but get angry at how as christians especially we often compromise the truth of Gods word in order to be politically correct. We live in a world where 'absolute truth' is not preached, rather we seem to gravitate toward 'relative truth'. What is true for you does not have to be true for me. The problem with preaching relative truth is that there is no authority in it. As christians we have to both speak and practice absolute truth otherwise we might as well throw the bible away and close our churches. When we all finally stand before our awesome God He will judge on absolute truth and not relative.
    The narrow road sure is hard but God never said it would be easy. The devil knows us better than we know ourselves and will do anything he can to distort absolute truth. He did it with Adam and Eve, he will certainly do it with us.
    He is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except through Him. There is nothing relative about that.


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