God...in me, around me, through me.... right now.

Firstly let me say that I love it that God chooses to use us, as His people, and I Love it that when He uses us to help others, He always grows us at the same time.

I am at a place right now where I am unsure I have ever been before.

I am at peace with whatever lays before me.

Doing my best with what I have been asked to do for Him right now.
Seriously...I am trying my hardest and doing my very best so far as an Officer.

And in some cases am seeing some results in others as I go about my Godly business.

I guess that not everyone may think I am doing my best, but I am , I really am...and I am probably the only one who really knows that.

I feel like I am giving my preaching its best shot.... my preparation too, and I also feel like I am leading  at a higher rate than I have led before.

Do you ever self analyze your performance as a leader ?
Well I do...I think its a healthy thing to do from time to time.

I feel fresh and alive and aware... and I know that has a lot to do with just having a holiday, but that's all good, we need to sometimes withdraw so we can then advance.

There are many challenges that a Salvo Officer faces...  and I am feeling ok with it all at the moment, mostly.

but here's the bit that gets me every time....

I am well aware though, that not everyone likes or appreciates my style of ministry, and whilst that hurts, I am unsure of exactly what to do about it.

People choose to leave and walk away and reject and ignore my ministry, and short of changing myself, so that I may please other people ( knowing full well that you cant please everyone anyway) I am at a loss as to what to do about it all..

there's a couple of things I feel... and think...

I will always be true to what God has asked me to do and who He has asked me to be.
I will speak my mind if I think something is out of line. And encourage when I think some thing is in line.
I will stand up for what I believe is right and just.

so I guess if all that alienates me from others, then in ministry, I am in trouble, and probably always will be.

I have been challenged in the past couple of days, to wait for the Lord, and even though it may tarry, just wait.

Well its hard to wait sometimes. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But what else can I do.   Be Untrue to myself  ?  which in turn means being untrue to my God. ?

NO.....  I wont do that.

I am not looking for anyone to comment, or have a pity party with me, or criticise me or even compliment me ..... its just part of the deal of being a Salvo Officer that I personally am facing.

I am not the best one that ever walked the planet, and I may not be the worst either.

I am just giving it a crack.

I pray and hope that my church grows. 

That others will join us on the journey to Jesus.

But if they wont and I am too hard and harsh about what I think is truth...then I guess I will be a lonely officer on a very narrow road that leads to heaven.


what else do you do ?

I can't be someone else...I can only be me.

I cant function any other way, I don't know how to.

so, I will keep going... will keep praying.... will keep praising... will keep worshipping... will keep preaching... will keep reading my bible....and keep seeking fresh revelation....

I have decided to follow Jesus
I have decided to follow Jesus
I have decided to follow Jesus
no turning back
no turning back

though none go with me, still I will follow
though none go with me, still I will follow
though none go with me, still I will follow
no turning back
no turning back

PS. I am ok really I am, don't worry about me..this is just my rant... and I am ticked off with the enemy of the cross right now.



  1. Maybe this one is for you today Gary...
    If crosses come, if it should cost me dearly,
    To be the servant of my Servant Lord,
    If darkness falls around the path of duty.
    And men despise the Saviour I've adored.
    I'll not turn back, whatever it may cost,
    I'm called to live, to love and save the lost
    Scripture to read: Philippians 4:8.

  2. thanks Anonymous.....good call.

  3. You are always true to yourself and convictions - it makes us want to follow you all the more! :)

  4. Gary I love coming to church because this church has such an awesome vision and you can see the holy spirit at work in the church.Gary we all need to hear the truth at times people might not like to hear it but we must hear it so we can grow n let God work in our lives.Since u have come back from your holiday your preaching has changed it's awesome you have taken it up to a whole new level it's great and I love it! Thankyou for letting me be a part of this great church! I love my church & I love my Jesus!!


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