Jesus Loves you

It's Sunday afternoon, and it is time to unwind, and reflect on this mornings worship service.

I felt it was pretty good, considering that close on 100 people were away today, either in Perth or taking the advantage of the long weekend here in Melbourne.

Nevertheless, church must go on, and it did, and it was special being with others who gathered to worship Jesus.

I love church, I don't love the politics and squabbles that often come in churches, but for the most part, the church inspires me. I love it that I am called to the local church.

I don't think for one moment that I am brilliant as a pastor or officer, but I do give it a crack and my best.
Here is a link to today's sermon...podcast...

Currently I am reading a GHC book called Crossing over, by Paul Scanlon...

It is a very good book and it is helping me grapple with what I need to get, to be able to take
Ringwood where God may wish us to go.

I fully recommend it to you, you can get a Kindle version in Amazon and read it on iPad.
Here are 3 quotes from that book...

"Everything that wants to grow and have a relevant future has to change, and change is God’s gift to humanity. “Crossing over” is my language for and description of the change which thousands of churches must embrace, or they will face extinction."

" All over the world God has and is raising men and women to lead His people into an awesome future.These new leaders are smart, sharp, streetwise, and acutely aware of what is and isn’t relevant to the twenty-first century church. "

"To every pastor reading this I want to say, you are a life saver! The choices you make, particularly during a generational transition for your church, will be life-and-death choices for you, the church, and the community. May the Joshua within you wake up!

God doesn't want us to stay the same, He wants us to grow and become healthy as Christ followers and as churches.

We don't want to be a church looking backwards to the "old days", we need to be a church looking to God
To lead us into His purpose and plan and the new days that lay before us.

There is much to grapple and work through, but these times are desperate, and TSA, needs Salvos who will understand the times and trust God and His love, and then just go for it.

The best is yet to come.

I pray that today you will be blessed by listening to the podcast, hearing the sincere heart of our church as they  sang in worship unto Jesus.

And hear something from God for your life also.

Why not make it personal at the conclusion and place your hand on your heart or illness area and allow His Spirit To touch your being as well.

May He bless you deeply today.


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