Heart Surgery ( A MUST READ a bit personal this one)

Yesterday I visited a good friend of mine who has just had open heart surgery, a quadruple bypass actually, a big deal. He has come through really well and I hope he doesn't mind me mentioning him here but it was a good time together in the hospital as we just chatted. What I wanted to say about this was that he is all hooked up to the monitors and tubes and stuff, and it is gently ticking over his heart rate speeds etc, but when we started to pray the monitor went off the charts , bells started ringing, the nurse came running in, I kept on praying, and it all settled, the bells went off, but it occurred to me thats what should happen in our hearts when we start talking with Jesus... our heart should leap !

Jesus is our destiny, He is our hope, He is our reason for our everything.


I have been going through a pretty rough time recently, personally, a number of worries and burdens and issues and it has taken me close to the edge of a disastrous outcome.

This morning as I prayed I realised a few home truths.. people have been praying for me and my family and our situation and it occured to me afresh today ...God is bringing answers into my being, I actually felt it today, I am feeling hope... and feeling something I haven't felt for a long while starting to brew inside me...all as result of people praying.

and God is doing some heart surgery in me as well, not like my friend, but as drastic nevertheless.


You know every person on this planet has sin in their lives at some level or the other, whether its secret sin, or a small white lie, or whether its blatant and dirty... we are all basically sinful and another truth occured to me the other day as well... our job on the earth is to help each other to find the escape from the trap of sin. Of having a damaged heart.

Not to judge one another for whatever each other has done or is doing, but rather, to gently lead one another on a road of recovery. To help each other to have our hearts restored, and repaired and reset back to original condition, the condition where it is pure and blameless and innocent and hungry for a Saviour who can lead us home, and take up residence in our heart and cause us to have deep peace there.

Its not to be caught up in the "business or busyness"... but rather to serve Jesus and to live for Him and to help otehrs to live for Him.

For me this morning I have become aware again that God is not finished with me just yet, and that whilst the enemy has pulled out all stops against me,and I have taken some hits and yes I am wounded, I will recover and felt that just gently brewing in my spirit today.

the other day another good friend just spoke one word into my heart... it was the word " Shalom"... peace be with you... and its that deep peace we all need, a peace that makes our heart just settle and rest in Him, we all need that. I am feeling "Shalom" a little this morning.


" Bring it Father God, completely restore me, renew me, repair me, and then somehow reuse me for your glory and purpose and together Lord, let's show the world just how good you are..and what can be achieved by us together... let my heart be new ... my attitude new... my passion stirred again... my fire fanned into flame again.... and protect me Lord from the trappings of human ego or status or living to look good in the eyes of other humans... lead me Lord in this, that I may look good in your eyes and seek to serve and please you alone. "



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