
Showing posts from June, 2017

Getting your buzz back !!

What do you do when you lose your Buzz ? Sometimes we lose the buzz, we lose our joy and things feel flat and boring. I hate that feeling, and I wouldn't have thought that anyone would really like being in that position . Buzzless. Buzz deficient. Yet life dishes that up, doesn't it ? Something happens that causes us grief and we lose the excitement and thrill, or exhilaration of what we once had. If you have ever lost your buzz, then you know exactly what I am talking about. So what do you do about it ? How do we get the buzz back ? Let's firstly determine what the buzz is that we lost. It could be a job, or relationship, or a friend.... it could be that the buzz of life was deep satisfaction in what life was for you at any given time. It could be that the buzz was just a special sense of well being and contentment of life... and I think for me that's the bit I want to speak about specifically in this blog entry today. When you lose contentment and