
Showing posts from March, 2020

Could it be a time for “UNPRECEDENTED” faith ?

A lot has happened since my last blog entry...On March 13th. The word “ unprecedented” for instance has been used so many times each day ...😳 Our nation is starting to lock down, like many other nations around the world. One of the interesting things about this pandemic is, that it is an equalizer...none of us are immune, we are all equal and all stand the same, regardless of wealth, nationality, location, gender, religion...position in society,  anything. I know something else that is an equalizer...and that is the love of God. I truly believe  that... it is us that put the distinctions and gaps in that love... when we are wealthy we don’t seem to need Him, and some based on location and a whole pile of other factors don't see the relevance of this loving God. But gosh right now we sure do need a miracle or two from Him and many of us are seeking Him every night at 7pm for just that. Many are frightened, there was a moment a few days back when it got to me also... I had

Is this Virus our opportunity for revival ?

I was thinking this morning that our lives are very precarious. We are buffeted around by all kinds of things.  In our country 2020 started very badly, unbelievable bushfires ..the largest ever seen... and now the world faces this crazy virus. Life as we know it is most likely going to change for a little while, as we sort our way through the mess. It is highly possible that we may be stopped from gathering in church as an assembly... for pure health and safety reasons. If that happens, may I remind you that our relationship with Jesus isn't determined by church on Sunday.  It is determined by our daily interaction with Him through prayer and private worship and the reading of His word. Whilst the church experience is so critical for us all and hugely important, it doesn’t stop us from being Christian, in fact this very virus could easily cause a revival on the earth at a very deep level in us each.  Think about that.... what if all we have left is HIM. ??? What if all we