Is this Virus our opportunity for revival ?

I was thinking this morning that our lives are very precarious.
We are buffeted around by all kinds of things.  In our country 2020 started very badly, unbelievable bushfires ..the largest ever seen... and now the world faces this crazy virus.

Life as we know it is most likely going to change for a little while, as we sort our way through the mess.

It is highly possible that we may be stopped from gathering in church as an assembly... for pure health and safety reasons.

If that happens, may I remind you that our relationship with Jesus isn't determined by church on Sunday.  It is determined by our daily interaction with Him through prayer and private worship and the reading of His word.

Whilst the church experience is so critical for us all and hugely important, it doesn’t stop us from being Christian, in fact this very virus could easily cause a revival on the earth at a very deep level in us each.  Think about that.... what if all we have left is HIM. ??? What if all we can do, is stay at home and pray ? What if all we can do in our isolation is pray and read the bible and worship, in its truest form...just He and Me ?

If you are a minister, and Officer...can I encourage you to consider ways to help your people in this...plan now.... back to written messages, emailed to build faith in our folks.... back to recorded sermons to go online with and communicate the love of Jesus online, start thinking about that now, it may very well come when the church will be scattered and not gathered.(for a little while)

In these potential times of “scattering”, we still have opportunity to minister, we just need to adapt and be intentional about our Call, to be who God called us to be.

It isnt time to shut up... or shut down.... its a great opportunity to shout out and stand up...

Our people need Jesus, we all do.... and This is a time for us to remind the world that Jesus died for our sins that we might in fact be set free... that can be done in many ways.... and isn't just reliant on us standing at a pulpit in a Sunday morning.... our pulpit can be a camera video message, and a phone call, or an email....

This might just be the best thing for us, to reestablish who we are as the church.

Please don't think I am downplaying COVID19...I am not, what I am thinking is that in amongst the challenge of it, that all of us matter who we are, we have another opportunity.... until the internet is shut off, we can still use that from home.... we might not be able to go outside of our homes, at some point..maybe.... but that doesn't stop us from ministry.... we need to be proactive, and intentional and strategic.... and the Kingdom of God will not be disturbed because we (the church) can’t gather.  Be creative.... think it through, plan now.... it might just cause a revival of faith inside you.

#just my thoughts on this friday morning in March.


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