Putting myself out there. Taking the bull by the horns.

The weeks are zipping past, fast......you would think it would feel slower in the lockdown, but no..it feels to be rushing past even more quickly.

As I Prayed this morning  a few thoughts came rushing to me about some circumstances I am aware of.

I think I can count around 4 or 5 different situations where this lockdown has given the perfect opportunity for wise leaders to take the bull by the horns and change some seriously stuck circumstances and turn things around in radical ways.

  • Churches where things have become very messy in shared leases... and use of the facility.

  • Some people who have been in dumb relationships that are hurting and damaging them.

  • People with habits causing great harm to themselves. (Lockdown causing a forced stop to the habit)

  • Blinkered vision, unable to see new ways ahead.

In these circumstances and heaps more, people like you and me have an opportunity like never before to break some stuck stuff and fix it. Maybe that’s what God wants to show us.  Maybe we have been doing it the wrong way.

It is going to take brave leaders, courageous...and purposed people who refuse to remain stuck any longer.

And thats where the problem really is I think..... we can be presented with amazing opportunities and concepts and ideas, that are not that difficult to navigate our way through, and we will choose to remain stuck because it’s easier to stick with what we know, than to venture out into the unknown unchartered waters of “the new”.

Yesterday we facilitated a discipleship workshop for TSA as a catalyst for bringing back into the life of TSA, especially in SEVic... the Masters Plan.  Discipling people. (Matthew 28)

Now I might prove to be a bit controversial here...but that’s who I am.... at times... I guess ??

There is absolutely no point presenting anything like we did yesterday, if people wont choose to get involved in a new opportunity.  It isn't rocket science or complicated...it is simple. 

Just go and do it.

But most wont do it... most will settle back into the old normal, and it has nothing to do with keeping the older people satisfied as we keep stating.... its because its easier for us personally, to keep the peace than it is to rock the boat.   
(Remember in a rocking boat Jesus was very peacefully sleeping, it isnt a worry to Him)

A lot of People don't like change. Cant cope. Moving the seats in the worship hall. Changing the songs we sing. Moving some things online rather than in person. 

We hear it all the time, and there have been times when I have even said it myself. Why do we have to change ? We have always done it this way ? Never mind the fact that we are in decline and losing the battle. Never mind the fact that our No.1 key Mission purpose isn't being fulfilled. 

We hear it all the time, we must do the mission... keep the mission, fulfill it. 

Friends just in case you are confused... the “No.1” mission purpose of every church.....every Christian is getting other people saved for Jesus Christ.  The other things we do are secondary to that. And if you want to know how we are doing with that...just look around and look for the new baby Christians being born around you and in your church. If they are not around, then we haven’t done the mission.

We haven’t been winning.  So therefore we must be losing.

That has to change ....sorry.... but it must.

The message never changes, but the methods must always change. 

The world has changed and it is in the middle of a new era, radical change, life and death change, and God is at work amongst us, but will we perceive it ? Will we move with Him, or dig our heels in, in our personal safe zone... now that’s the question isnt it ?

Perfect opportunities to fix a few things, blame it on Covid 19 or whatever, but just fix it.

Gutless or courageous ? Who are you. ?

This week has been interesting... some older folks ringing us and getting stuck in..in a “kind and sickly sweet” way... confused and angry over decisions made by our leaders... and criticism of all and sundry about what is going on, as they want to get back to the old normal.  

And my questions and frustration rises, why are we so blind to the new things God wants to do amongst us ? Why are we so out of step with the Holy Spirit that we behave in ways that are contrary to His ways ?  

Why wouldn’t we want for us, what He wants for us ?

So.... take the bull by the horns..... grab the opportunity as it presents, fix the issues that surround you, sort out the bad relationships while they are on hold, take spiritual authority over the circumstances in your sphere of influence, listen out for God as He whispers your name and then boldly obey His call into His purpose.

Push back against the things that haven’t worked for years. And truthfully - never will again. 

Regardless  of what the declining “stuck and stayed” in their ways folks are saying.  

Yes move forwards in compassion and care for them, absolutely.... and don’t neglect that.... and I mean really care... but don't neglect the primary mission. put it first.

but ask Jesus what He is saying to your situation... (and I mean really ask)... and then answer the second question... what will I do about it ?  And then do it..... intestinal fortitude !!!!!

be brave and do the work of the Kingdom... pray for souls to be saved and get yourself involved in that process...and that just might mean putting yourself out there in a risky situation.

Just my rambling thoughts on this Saturday morning in Melbourne.


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