Angry ! Frustrated ! Discouraged ! Annoyed ! Fed up !

The other night, I was challenged by a comment made to me about who is going to step up and sort things out. Almost like, why don't you speak up about what's going on around you, a s if I hadn't already done that, multiple times. I am not going to go into the bits and pieces about this, but its hard to step up and stand up for what you really believe in, when every time you do ... you are either cut down at the knees or ignored completely. If I was honest, I am tired of not being heard, being ignored and passed off as being irrelevant. And I have observed some of my friends being treated this way as well. The other day I threw a challenge and invitation out to a large group of people and only one person responded. It's depressing when you know the answer and folks keep rejecting you. I guess that's why people vote with their feet. The question/s that was asked of us: Who will step up ? Who is going to rise up and make the changes ? Why wont you speak up ? Why won...