Losing Faith !!!

Yesterday I was directed to a podcast about an Australian senior chaplain who had lost his faith. I won't go into the details here, as it is his story not mine. Suffice to say, it was an interesting story to listen to and one that made me feel both sad as well as heightened around my own personal faith. The need to protect myself from the battles that rage against my soul. The battles that rage against my beliefs and experiences in my spiritual life so far. I noticed I haven't blogged much at all since starting on my new career path, could be because I have been incredibly busy getting myself into the role. Could be because I am learning so much I haven't had time to write it all down. So tonight as I write these thoughts, I do so with honest intent and with integrity of heart, that I will not cause others to stumble or question or feel threatened by my thinking. My personal worldview has been challenged hugely since leaving TSA and joining AV. It's not a bad thing, i...