2022…. Lessons Learned.

During this past year I have been on an incredible journey of transformation and new understandings. It came to a head for me last night in church, when I recommitted my heart to the cause of Jesus … some who may read this blog will not completely understand that, and thats ok, for it is a deeply personal thing for me. Others however, will get it completely and may even say “amen” in their heart and mind. Living for something or someone is a high calling, many live for themselves and themselves alone. Some in this world have committed their lives to a whole gamut of causes and beliefs. A very good friend of mine at work says …its “ Brain Washing ”…my response to my dear respected friend is, there are a whole pile of people who could do with some washing of their brains. We joke of course…but there is an element of truth in that…both ways …right ? So …what have I learned this year ? 7 things amongst many other things unmentioned. 1. Gods ways may end up being ver...