2022…. Lessons Learned.

During this past year I have been on an incredible journey of transformation and new understandings.

It came to a head for me last night in church, when I recommitted my heart to the cause of Jesus … some who may read this blog will not completely understand that, and thats ok, for it is a deeply personal thing for me.

 Others however, will get it completely and may even say “amen” in their heart and mind.

Living for something or someone is a high calling, many live for themselves and themselves alone. 

Some in this world have committed their lives to a whole gamut of causes and beliefs.  

A very good friend of mine at work says …its “ Brain Washing ”…my response to my dear respected friend is, there are a whole pile of people who could do with some washing of their brains.

We joke of course…but there is an element of truth in that…both ways …right ?

So …what have I learned this year ?  7 things amongst many other things unmentioned.

1. Gods ways may end up being very different to my ways and how I thought things would go for my life.

2. Some people push buttons in your life. I have learned a whole stack about that, and about myself.

3. People may abandon you, when you make a different choice for your life, than what they thought you   should be doing.

4. Character speaks louder than words. Behavior is just as loud.

5. You might not agree with what happens around you and how things are done, and at that point you will need to make a choice. Lead, Follow, or get out of the way. (Blogged about that before ) But its so true for me, - and for me, I made some good decisions in 2021/2022 around this very truth.

6. Hard things are asked at times ….God has proven enough for me in all of that. Sometimes its incredibly lonely. 

7. Caring for people is so important… even if they are not the same as me or don’t believe the same things as I do.  God wants me to care for people, and to create environments of care. Regardless of faith, belief, gender or sexuality.

There have been times over 2022 when I have needed to face some incredible trying times. 

Have I handled it perfectly ? Nope !!!   

Have I found my way through it ?  Yep !!!

Observing people and their behaviors ….. noticing when words match action, has been a huge thing for me to watch.  

When some have accepted my role, and others have not.

Being affirmed and applauded is good for the mind, isnt it ? 

We all want to feel like we belong and are valued….yet the  truth for me in 2022 is I have felt both,  and a very real sense that in some ways I don't actually belong anywhere right now. 

My faith journey this year has also taught me that for most of my life my identity has been found in  my title or my work. What I wear even forms a part of that.  

That isn’t really good thing.  

So throughout this year as I have endeavored to re discover who I really am,  I have sat…unnoticed ….not affirmed…hardly known by anyone, not recognized, at times a sense of feeling unvalued…. 

And there have been times of deep pain in my soul as I have gone through these times. 

Yet it was needed for me to find myself.  

Why I do what I do. 

Why I think like I do. 

And How and why I behave like I behave.

Some will never see the value in us, (me)  ….. some will wish we were not here, (you might even think that about me…lol) sorry… however on my journey of re discovery…..I have found again that God is my foundation and He is not finished with me just yet.  

He sees value in me.  He sees value in you also.

He knows what I am capable of, and has positioned me for His purposes…even if a vast load of people cant see that.

There have been times of double guessing myself… leaning towards the negative rather than the positive. 

And then there has been some absolutely outstanding moments, that have changed me forever.

So apart from all my ramblings, here is what I want to say to you…. 

It is so easy to fall for the trap that “we are” what other people say “we are” . That is not the whole truth, maybe in some ways a part of it is… But I think its also true that, I am who I say I am.  

What God says about me. !!!!

When you feel unvalued and unknown, that is not how God sees you or thinks about you.

Often times we base our whole being on what others think about us.  And unless you are hanging around with perfect people ( by the way there is no such thing ) then you  are most likely going to get hurt in this world, and for me, finding answers to those hurts…is one of the absolute keys to life itself.

I work with some amazing people who deeply care about the well being of their colleagues and the wider community in general.    They have taught me much about life, about having a laugh, and also having a cry.  I love the people I work with. They are real. What you see is what you get !

I love it that God has positioned me amongst them.  

I am looking forward to 2023…. And I am certain it will have just as many challenges as what 2022 has had.

I will keep praying ….. and believing for the best outcomes for those around me. And for myself and for my own family. 

What will 2023 bring for you ? 

I pray you find yourself …your own identity. 

The very intimate truth of your inner being, created with the finger print of almighty God Himself stamped upon you.


  1. Well done good and faithful servant. God continue bless you and Jules


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