The critics within.

So...I have been wanting to blog this one for a few weeks now. It's not that I am afraid of criticism, because simply stated, you don't do a job like mine without someone taking a shot at you...but what does one do, when that critic is within know a one time friend, colleague on the same side?

Truthfully, actually quite hurtful.... Caused some soul searching and then, some mentor clarify.

Bottomline.... Some criticism is unfounded and untrue...

Makes me re visit what it is I stand for and how I do what I do and why I do it.

I serve king Jesus... I wish to please Him alone... After all I am doing what he asked me to do and how He asked me to do it, so really the criticism is of Him. And that is a scary thought for those who dabble in that arena.

Be careful what you complain against and how you hurt others in that process.
And more importantly , be careful who it is you criticize and why.

I have grown through this still hurt me though.
Maybe that was intended, maybe it wasn't, nevertheless, I am standing firm and staying the course..
I am going to finish my race.


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