The DAY approaches...

No Christ follower in all history has ever had the opportunities we are having in our generation, to witness first hand a world in turmoil as it rapidly spins out of control. Terrorism is rampant, there are natural disasters happening everywhere, sin is at an all time high,and There are just a few modern day plagues around the place as well. The news of the death of Osama has bought such a mixed bag of reaction and emotion. He was a bad and evil man ..yes, but what the world is shown us in response to his death..just shows me how fast the day approaches when Jesus will return. Add to that the drama in the middle east..

The bible says that we should encourage each other more now than ever before.

One day we will go to bed at night, wake up the next day, just like we have been doing all of our lives, but this day will be different....the events of this day will change us forever and our world forever...

When Jesus returns... Nothing will be the same again.

Those that love Him now, will join Him then...
Those that don't. Well, you will still see Him, its that the outcome will be very different.

I get this image in my mind, of people frantically trying to justify their position when Jesus comes back.... Defending their lifestyle, explaining why and why not... Clutching at straws, trying to play catch up commitment, to do their best to get to heaven, and Jesus will see through it all.

Now is the time of Salvation, now is the time to make that choice and decision.... Not then ...then it's just too late.

This world is somewhat out of control and needs Jesus...

If you are a Christ follower, encourage each other more and more as the day approaches..

If you are not a Christ follower, then get to a church, join up now.... He is coming back for His church.

Yeah the world is doing some "sucky" things right now.

It needs the Saviour. So do you. So do I.


  1. I find it intriguing that people blame God for this or for that.
    Use His name and title when it suits.

    But if things don't go their way, well He doesn't exist, that is until, the next time I want to blame someone for something.

    My God is big.
    My God is real.
    my God will judge the earth and everyone in it.

    Don't ignore Him, reject Him, or pretend He doesn't exist, and then speak of Him anyway....
    That's just simply illogical.


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