The first big test...

I have needed to make some changes in our church structure and strategies.... And last night some of those changes were rolled out...

A mixed response.

Some are pleased. Others are borderline.

Some are down right angry, threatening to protest, and sign petitions.


Here's why it had to be done...

Our church groups a not growing any more, they are stuck in a rut, becoming more exclusive than inclusive...self focussed, insular, and basically not a reflection of what our church aims and goals are. They would argue that of course... but the evidence is always in the fruit...

Jesus said by their fruit you will know them and....we do.

So John 15 pruning has begun.

It's really the first time in our church history that we have made a move to remove something and tweak it, like we are this time.

People can be so fickle.... Love you one moment, and hate you the next.

That's just leadership....sigh.

This has to be that growth may come.

For all those who want to chat...about this, ring me and let's have a coffee.

I will not shy away from the risky decisions, or wimp out because it's a little hard, I came to Craigieburn to plant a healthy and growing living church.

Not to plant it, so it should die.

I choose life over death any day.

Next year, we expect twice as many groups being way more fruitful because of this years pruning.

Big tests come and change character. I don't actually want to hurt people, I want us all, to be more fruitful and healthier.

That teaches me something about Gods heart for us as well.

I pray that today will be a great day.


  1. the definition of a "RUT" is:
    an open ended grave.

    NO WAY, are we living in a rut in our church.


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