Furious Love

Furious love, a DVD movie documentary about the love of God invading the darkness.

Most who viewed it just sat there when it had concluded.
Some moved quietly to the mercy seat to pray.
Others just sat in quiet contemplation.

Some words we had back were comments like:

I loved it, and hated it.
It unsettled me.
Tears were flowing...
Others said I never knew...

What kind of God do we have that loves people who are witches, demon worshippers, demon possessed,sex workers, prostitutes, drug addicts.... You ? Me ?

Actually if you think about it... If God doesn't love all of us the same, regardless of who we are or what we have done or what we are involved in...then He isn't a fair God. If He can't redeem and save us from any of our sin, no matter what our sin looks like, then He can't save any of us from anything... He is fair. He is just. He is patient. He is merciful. He is forgiving.

It's us that are not.

This DVD will challenge the mindset of western Christians...who think that there is no devil, there is no hell and there are no demons.

I knew it would rattle the cages of some of our people...it's meant to.

It wasn't meant to be an entertainment movie, it was meant to cause some people to question their faith and Christian behavior.

If you haven't seen it, you should find it...Koorong books or Word bookstore should be able to get it for you... Just watch it.

For me... The church in Indonesia, where 30,000 attend, the pastor is 33 years of age, and has a leadership team made up of 8 year olds to 20 year olds... Wow

Oh Lord, send revival to our Land, to our church, to the Salvation Army in Australia.


  1. hey Gary, it did unsettle me, i saw things that I have not seen before. I guess we talk about the darkness and you can live in the darkness without knowing it really is the darkness. it challenged my spirit to where i come from and what is my world. however God is love and why shouldnt Gods love be the same for everyone. no expectations just want to be loved by God. you are right its not that God is unforgiving its us, about us and or others. yep it did challenge my thinking about a whole lot of things. and yes i do want revival to come to our land, & to our church to have people running to the front for prayer and to have 8yrs olds praying for one another that would be very cool.

  2. Yeah good stuff Vicki...He is within us, that means His power and His love is as well...let's love em into the kingdom and the church...I can't wait to see our emerging 8 year old leaders.

  3. I stand, I stand in awe of HIM.
    Nowadays when darkness comes against me I tell it to depart from my presence, if it doesn't I bind it and force it to watch me enjoy the table before me with full-on worship to my King. (Psalm 23)

    We haven't seen anything yet folks. Earthly Royal Weddings - I laugh at, for HE has invited me (yes even me) to be HIS bride and live with HIM forever !!!


    Brett went home to be with the Lord this week.
    His funeral will no doubt be next week.

    He seriously is dining with the King today.


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