If I have any more I may just explode.

Today my soul was ministered to by the Lord himself, it was so special for me.

Just lately I have allowed the battle to hurt me a little more than it should. My peace had been stolen....today it was restored, renewed...and something revived inside me.

Jesus is my Saviour. I am not His.
I am His servant.

I love what Jesus did in me today.

..... When I got home I was reading this Facebook dialogue, where one Christ follower was bagging out another Christ follower, because of a past sin.

Seriously.... Stop doing that people. Let Jesus be Saviour to all people, redeemer...forgiver, restorer, healer....

If we can't be forgiven of our past sins, then we are all doomed.

If Jesus has forgiven what has been confessed and repented from...who are we, any of us, to bring up anything against anyone at anytime?

To my friend Geoff... I am sad that a brother would do that, you did not deserve it.

We need to allow the Saviour to be that for us all.

I think that true Grace is allowing the Saviour be the Saviour....in everyone, regardless of their past.

If that can't be... I am doomed as well, as millions of other Christians are also.

The big difference in our faith is that Jesus is the Saviour of our souls....and he lives, and he loves, and he forgives...endlessly.

Let the Saviour save ya....

My souls is overflowing tonight with the peace that only He can bring....any more and I truly will explode.


  1. It is time the church stepped it up and stopped being so pig headed. I would like to suggest that it is only when we know the true meaning of forgiveness, grace and mercy in our own lives i believe we are more willing to show it to others. But when we are still privetly holding onto our own condemnation and judgement that is what we show others.

    I just spent the night with people in our community who have been hurt by "the Church" threw painful and hurtful words of condemnation! this is so not on with God and we need to stamp it out big time.

    So I join you Gary in saying STOP IT lets work together to be people of encouragment, peace and love. Reflectors of God's grace


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