Getting the God niggles

What do you do when God niggles you ?

dont know what a niggle is?
 some call it a prompt, some call it an unsettling in your spirit, I just call it a niggle.

I have just spent an awesome hour with a good friend who is being bashed up by people who should know better.

if ever there was injustice, its right here. in fact I am down right angry about it right now... how dare they, who do they think they are ? what is their fruit ?  Jesus said by their fruit you will know who they are....

so God niggles at my spirit..... do something... and then I go, do what ? Lord ? what can I do ? who am I ?

so I anointed him(yes with oil for all you people who think you cant do that ) and prayed for him and something  happened, I felt a warmth go over him and through him... and I felt God touch him. ( well I felt that happened)

I think you should be obedient to the niggles of the Lord.

I am bewildered by what I hear, people who laugh at a prayer meeting called for revival, are you serious ?

Oh Lord I pray some serious niggling will happen with these people who think you don't exist, that your power isn't real and that in today's culture its ok to sin.(whatever word  or label you want to call it)

according to my bible, sin is still sin.

God still loves it when a man and woman become one flesh by being married.

In my bible in the beginning God created Eve as a companion for Adam.

in My bible, God changes people and offers them love and grace and forgiveness and mercy and compassion and truth mixed with grace, but He still cant stand sin, and it still separates us from God.

the niggles I have right now is to speak up, stand up, speak the truth in love, but I cant help but feel very angry about how good people are bashed up for being "called", and standing by the truth of the bible.

am I perfect ? Nope.... but I am trying to live a holy life. I am just really annoyed tonight. and disappointed and believe that my prayers will indeed be answered when I pray for God to have His way amongst us.

so while I am angry , this blog is as far as it goes...until I have prayed through what I am to do next.

even so Lord Jesus Come... send revival to us, send the fire today,let it burn away all sadness and pain, let it leave power in its wake...

please Lord continue to niggle at us until we are all you want us to be.


  1. My God is a great God and I know that He performs great miracles. All He asks of us is to believe Him and His word and live accordingly. Is that too hard for someone that loves us so very much? Why do we stray? He must get deeply hurt at times by His children.


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