
Showing posts from April, 2012

It bewilders me...

As a bit of follow on from my preaching yesterday, (which, if you are interested in listening to, you can at .. it totally gobsmacks me, bewilders me, throws me for six, that people would hear about Jesus, be confronted with the truth about Him, and then turn their back on Him. It also leaves me feeling totally desperate and in despair that these same people who ignore Jesus, reject Him, pretend He doesn't exist, would then go in the exact opposite direction away from Him, listen to every other voice,  and choose to go the way of evil, rather than the way of truth. It also leaves me feeling totally amazed that people choose to go the way that hurts them, damages them, and destroys all hope, even when they have done it before and know what happens in the end. Fickle isn't it ? its always been this way, in our world...people rejecting truth, and choosing the lie. It seems easier somehow to go the way that everyone else is going, you know, i

The real deal....

Are you the real deal ? When it comes to Jesus Christ, are you the real deal ? What does it mean to be the real deal ? Being the real deal, is more about what is going on when you are alone, when no one else is around or watching. It's the quiet moments of prayer and worship. It's the reading of your bible and pausing long enough to listen out for Gods voice into your heart. It's shunning the temptations of Satan in your mind, and not entertaining any potential outcome if you did....that sin ! How can you tell if someone is the real deal or not....? They are Transparent. They are not afraid to shine " the light " in the dark places. They are up front in worship, loud, large, " pick me " kind of Christians. What is in their heart, flows out of their mouth. The real deal Christ follower, knows their place.... Humble, servants, willing, active not passive...they are not just bible carrying people, they are bible doing people. I am pr

the church of Rome..Part 2

Romans 12 A Living Sacrifice   1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Walking the streets and historical sights of Rome, and the Vatican, was fantastic for me. It was one of the highlights of my holiday. I wonder why  this church places so much emphasis on the life of one man, who is no different to any other man, except for the title he wears and carries in this life. Its not out of disrespect to him and that church, for the weight of the burden he carries for his church must be enormous, as must be the weight our General carries, as well as our Commissioners here in Aust. But let's be clear, no Pope, or General, Or Commissioner can get m

back from holidays..../ the church of Rome...part 1

It's very early in the morning and I am still struggling with the side effects of jetlag. cant sleep when I need to, and can barely stay awake when I need to. I decided when I was walking the streets of Rome and the Vatican, that I needed to re read the book of Romans.... and I started doing that, and these next few blogs will be a collection of my thoughts about what Paul was saying to the church in Rome, and what I think God is saying to me today as result of that. It is not about the catholic church's more about my understanding and personal enlightenment or revelation. The church, in general, often muddles things up.....we "do" what God tells us not to do, and "won't do" what He tells us "to" do. Store up wealth on earth, when we are told to not... Open the way for all to come to the Father, but then we close it up, to a select few... Lock people down, rather than allowing them freedom... And of course... We pu