the church of Rome..Part 2

Romans 12

A Living Sacrifice
 1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Walking the streets and historical sights of Rome, and the Vatican, was fantastic for me. It was one of the highlights of my holiday.

I wonder why  this church places so much emphasis on the life of one man, who is no different to any other man, except for the title he wears and carries in this life.

Its not out of disrespect to him and that church, for the weight of the burden he carries for his church must be enormous, as must be the weight our General carries, as well as our Commissioners here in Aust.

But let's be clear, no Pope, or General, Or Commissioner can get me or you into heaven.... only a living relationship with the Living Jesus can do that.

It's not that we don't respect or even obey those above us in the Lord, we are told in scripture to do that, however place honor where its due, and worship where that is due, and make sure you don't muddle the two up.

Paul tells the Roman church, and so we take it to heart as well.... offer our bodies as living sacrifices...

Now speaking in context and cultural relevance, to a church where sacrifice of humans was common place, this is a fairly bold statement and courageous one that required the Christ followers of that day to make a stand that could easily mean laying down human life for their cause.

A message to a church already under persecution, may have been harsh words in that day.... but we need to understand our role in society... as they were being reminded in that day.

it's to lead society to Jesus Christ, no matter the cost, or price..... and true worship is actually doing that with your very life, whatever it ends up looking like.  

Tough isn't it ?  


not easy that's for sure.

when you walk through the ruins of the Colosseum ( pictured )  and you think about all that happened in that place.... the killing of innocent people, some for their faith in Jesus.... and their only crime was that they took the name of Jesus.     And then Paul's words come...offer your bodies.....oh, its very real isn't it ?

it's very humbling, when you walk in this place.....

when you realize that your sacrifice isn't much at all, really... but that which we offer, our loving God accepts.
it reminds me to worship the Lord with my life, the choices I make, the decisions I take, the road I walk, the places I go, the attitude I carry.

we have already visited many of these historical places in our lives, in Greece, Turkey and now Rome and knowing that you walk a path that millions have already walked, the saints of the past, your heroes of the faith, and many unknowns who died in these places...just because they walked with Jesus.


and Paul writes a message to them that is relevant and personal and scary... and whats even more mind boggling is that, they willingly followed Jesus, no matter the cost of carrying their own personal cross.

I am not sure I go for all the pomp and ceremony, the trumpet blasts for man....

But for Jesus....... He has my heart ..... He deserves the trumpet blasts, the accolades and attention, He deserves the honor and pedestals....and one day He will ride a white horse into town, and everything will stop as He does.

Bring it on  I say.



  1. Romans 13.... Should be read in conjunction with this blog. Paul knew what he was talking about.


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