The real deal....

Are you the real deal ?

When it comes to Jesus Christ, are you the real deal ?

What does it mean to be the real deal ?

Being the real deal, is more about what is going on when you are alone, when no one else is around or watching.

It's the quiet moments of prayer and worship.

It's the reading of your bible and pausing long enough to listen out for Gods voice into your heart.

It's shunning the temptations of Satan in your mind, and not entertaining any potential outcome if you did....that sin !

How can you tell if someone is the real deal or not....?

They are Transparent.
They are not afraid to shine " the light " in the dark places.
They are up front in worship, loud, large, " pick me " kind of Christians.

What is in their heart, flows out of their mouth.

The real deal Christ follower, knows their place.... Humble, servants, willing, active not passive...they are not just bible carrying people, they are bible doing people.

I am praying that I will grow to be more real than I am right now.

I am praying that you and I , will truly be .....

"Real Deal" - Christ followers.

You know when you have been close to the real deal.
You just know the difference between the real and the pretend.

A real deal Christ follower will leave Christ characteristics embedded into your spirit.
How can they not.

The power for the real deal Christian comes from the personal intimate moments shared with their father. And when you have been with Jesus in private! it's the most normal natural thing for Him to shine through your life in public.

Let's all aim to be "The Real Deal".

I believe one of the highest compliments, affirmations that a Christ follower can be given is to be labelled the real deal.


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