Good times.

It's been a pretty good weekend at our church, which means its been a pretty good weekend for me.

some might say, that's all a bit sad, but for me, not really, I have given my life to my calling and so its pretty important for me to see good weekends in my life's work.

our attendances weren't huge, and in the past that would have had a big impact on whether it was a good weekend or not ...but  something is changing in me, which is pretty good.

It didn't matter how many were in church yesterday, it was just good. 

MOSTLY, the people who were present just wanted to worship God and that was awesome.
( there will always be in church those who are just there for some other reason)

So what made church so good, and the weekend so good for me ?

I relaxed and got some things done around the house on Saturday, My footy team had a win... and the presence of God was with us in Church.

I felt like I preached ok....( you can check that out for yourself ) and I felt that Cadet Bec preached really well Sunday night and led our church well on Sunday morning.

and was a good day.

the truth is that I love church, and I love this style of worship and what God does amongst us, I know that God works in any style, and I also know that if we turn up expecting God to move amongst us, then He always does, and here's another startling truth....God even moves amongst us when we don't expect Him to.

Early Sunday morning as I spent some time with the Lord, just He and me.... I felt I heard His voice say to me,"Gary, it doesn't matter how many turn up today, just enjoy it, and share with those who have, and have great day" ...well I did and it was.

What will this week bring ?

only God knows what lays before me, I do wonder what the weeks will bring, whether it will be positive, negative, productive, tiring, stressful, peaceful or whether big news will come or whether no news will be heard, whether the week will slip by like other weeks  and then of course what will Sunday bring ...

Here's what I know.... 

God knows...He has planned my every step, My paths were laid out a long time before I was ever thought of....  He is already there directing my steps and guiding my way, I trust Him completely in that.

His plan is for me to enjoy my life and live fulfilled and satisfied, and the truth is I am...

Whatever lays before me is ok.

Because He is directing every single moment that I live.

I live for Him.

will next weekend, & this week, be as great as yesterday...?


probably even better.      


  1. Thanks for your thoughts Gary. As a leader in the same type of role I find myself getting over consumed by the "numbers" at times. While I will never stop caring about the empty seats, God has recently challenged me not to let who isn't there rob those who are there from receiving my very best!


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