2013 and beyond ????

This time of the year always make Officers in the Salvation Army feel a bit on edge, especially in Australia, when in the next  few weeks we will hear whether or not we get to stay another year in our present appointment of are required to be moving on to some other place.

its no different for Julie and I, than what it is for every Officer, we feel quite unsettled and ill at ease about this, especially since we have been in our present ministry appointment for 12 years.

It's risky even talking about it a superficial level, as people read between the lines, make their own assumptions and it may not even be correct. ( and the truth is, I actually have no concrete ideas at all about 2013 as yet)

October 11th is "D" day for all this, so we will probably find out the same time, that everyone else does whether we are to move or stay.

for me personally it is playing with my mind this year and I am feeling things I have never felt before, thinking thoughts I have never thought before and believe it or not, its even keeping me awake at night.... so really it is not a good thing for me at all, so hopefully it will be sorted one way or the other very very quickly.

a want to just point out though, a few home truth's about this process and my heart... and perhaps remind other officers of the deal.

  1.  I signed a Covenant a long time ago that stated I would be OK with this process. ( I still am)
  2.  I don't want to be positioned in a place where God doesn't want me to be. (here or there)
  3.  I believe, that wherever I am in 2013, it will be where God has positioned me. (here or there)
  4.  I will continue to do my best and try my hardest at whatever God calls me to do and be.
  5.  I can trust God in the process.

Some people think that this process is antiquated and bizarre, and perhaps it is, but its ok, for all of us Officers knew the way the game played out before we joined the team.

its only when they move the goal posts after the game has started  that you get all messed up.  And they haven't done that to me...

The Salvation Army and the present leadership of it, has never done anything to ever hurt me personally, so I trust them in this process to have heard from God, and to be acting upon His will and purpose  for my life and ministry where best He can use me.

So roll on October 11th, and let's get this sorted once and for all....


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