"This is My Business"

ON Sunday morning just gone, God was with us in church in a very big way. Now I know He always is, but for me personally He spoke audibly into my ears.

I will tell you in a minute what He said....

however, just prior to it though, I had just finished preaching....you can hear it at:


but suffice to say I felt I had done my best at communicating what I believed God wanted said.

quite a few people hung around for prayer and ministry after the service, and one special woman in our church was touched by God in a supernatural way, spending time with Him for "sometime on the floor" after.

as I sat and pondered all that which was taking place, it was then that I heard God speak to me saying...

"This is your business"

it's His business, but He has called me to make it "MY" business, the ministry and prayer for His people.

a special business indeed.

so...if you are around me, at church on a Sunday, I will be (continuing) making it my businesss to pray for Gods people, including you, if you want it.

asking Him to heal  the sick...
to save the lost...
to heal broken hearts...
to restore those who have walked away...
to equip with the Supernatural gifts from above...
to empower...
to intercede and ask for forgiveness for sin...
to set free those who feel trapped and bound up...
to do what Only God can do...

this is my business,

what a privilege is mine.


  1. Amen Gary! To make His business my business, His calling my calling, His mission my mission...is to truly say, "You are in me and I am in You." (Jn 17:21)

  2. that is awesome, thanks


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