There is a battle goin' on....

Yesterday I posted a comment on my facebook page about my belief in the bible and my difficulty in understanding why some people will read exaclty the same quote and not see the intent of the verse, or read it differently, assuming it doesnt aply to this day and age. What feedback then ensued. wow !!!

What a lie and deception, Satan has sold this current world in which we live.!!!

Yesterday it felt like I was being knocked around .... and last night when I went home, if it hadnt been for the friendship of some dear mates, I would have been feeling quite defeated, and most likely very depleted.

A couple of things happened yesterday which made me feel beaten...

a couple of things happened yesterday which also made me feel angry and frustrated and annoyed.

However, Yesterday I also announced that we are making a strategic step forwards by employing a Youth Pastor and so, one can only assume that retaliation for that spiritual strategic step forwards, is a counter attack from the enemy of the cross.

I dont think we remember it very often, but we are actually at war, we do win some battles, and in truthfulness, in some cases we lose some battles, but I DO KNOW....and so should you, WE WILL WIN THIS WAR.

one battle at a time.

Let me just share here, on my blog, my personal opinion ( if that's ok)


here's how it went down.... a subtle thought, a whisper in your ear that you are useless and wont be able to affect anything, that it's too far gone, that no one cares or loves you or is with you...that it will get worse before it gets better, that there is to much confusion and hurt for you Gary Grant to be able to do anything about it. you are alone, and you will always be alone, and you will not change anything, you are a bad preacher, a pathetic leader, and you will amount to nothing. People will leave becuase of you and the reason why these things are happening right now is becuase you are useless.


thats kind of what Satan whispered into my ear yesterday.


My stubborness and feelings of ... I will not quit, were subdued...

I did for a fleeting moment feel defeated and very depleted.


Then a phone call comes, "wanna do supper ? " and a sense of I am not alone, I have people who care for me.. and we do supper and my confidence rises as Gods starts ministering into my spirit through people He has strategically placed around me.


In the morning I always feel different than when the hardships are there the night ebofre and today I feel like I am ready to go again.



Ministry is not an easy thing and the battle rages...


I am not a loser.


I am a child of the King, a servant of the most high God.


I am on a mission, I have vision, I have a plan, I have a friend, I am clay in the masters hands.


today I will rise above the struggles, and the battle, and today I will go hard again. and today I will win.


I thank God for my friends who were used by Him to encourage and show me I am not alone.


My personal opinion then...


God is here.

sadly so is Satan.


God will win( I read the end of the bible)


we may lose some battles along the way, but get back up and keep on going.


Satan uses people around us to try and damage us.


God uses people around us to encourage and build us.


You get to choose for your life, and I do for mine...who we will allow to use us.


God or Satan.


I choose God.


  1. Your vulnerability and integrity as a leader is inspiring and an encouragement to me Gary! The words of a really old song I haven't sung in years came to me after reading your post: "The battle is won by lifting Jesus higher in the midst of thee"

  2. Gary

    This is God's argument! We are with you and Julie in advancing God's Kingdom at Ringwood.

    His Will.....will be done!!!

    Bill Dodds


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