Salvo style.... God is here.

For me these days, life is super busy. I used to think I was busy before, but goodness.

Now, so that it's clear, I am happy being busy with the Kingdom stuff, and would never cope if I was blatantly bored in ministry, I am simply not wired in such a way.

Life is good. My ministry is good. My God is good.

For those of my readers who think, that maybe, I think I have arrived..... wash your mouths out...there is no way I think that, last week my head was in such a spin, I literally had to walk out the office and go home. I went for a walk to clear my head and got drenched when it started raining, and it was really good for me... I gained perspective and focus and the next day in the office was a little more sober.

It's a busy place and much is going on.... it does pose questions for me, which over time I will seek clarity from the senior leaders here....and I guess where needed, I will tweak where and when I can.

in the meantime, I am just doing what I feel God is leading me to do and be, here at Ringwood.

For my Craigieburn friends, please dont think for one moment I have forgotten you, nope.... just so busy, that I hardly have time to think about anything else than what is presenting itself to me on a daily basis at this time.


Have you picked how many times I have said BUSY ?

I think its possible to be so active (another word for busy) that you can forget the primary purpose of your ministry.

There are some amazing people around me, people who have kicked goals for so many years for the Kingdom, people who still remain focussed after decades of ministry.

People, who even though they are flat out, like a lizard drinking.... (australian slang for busy).... they still remain focussed and centred on Jesus.

This weekend I preached/spoke in 3 meetings and attended 4 in total.

God is here.

Yesterday afternoon in the retirement service for Ian and Marilyn Hamilton the words of an old song were reminded to us...

In the pain, In the doubt, in the loneliness
in the struggle of right against wrong
somewhere amidst the confusion
there will be hope,there will be love, there will be God.

my heritage is Salvation Army. I love the church. I was raised a salvo and a salvo I will stay.

Some are leaving the Army these days for whatever reason, seeking after God in other churches, looking for something, which I have found is right here ... As I listened to the Hamilton Kids honour their parents yesterday it so warmed my heart and reminded me of my calling.

 Somewhere amidst the confusion, in the struggle of right against wrong, in the bewilderment of what church to attend, I want to reassure you, my God has not finished with the Salvation Army just yet.

I know this...He is still with us, I felt Him yesterday in our worship, I sensed Hm touch hearts and minds and saw evidence of His power at work ....I know He is here, and I dont need to rush off to some other church to find Him or experience Him. I know it's great to share in kingdom life and share with our brothers and sisters in other churches, I do that all the time....
but I always come back to my home..... I am a salvo and God is not finished with us just yet and is still seekng men and women who will stand up in this Army and be His hands and His feet and His mouth and share His heart.

"in the pain, in the doubt, in the loneliness, and the busy- ness"
there will be God.. He is here.

Now, finally I want to say a few things which may or may not upset you as the reader.
But this is my blog, and it is my thoughts and my opinions and my stuff... take it or leave it.

I am proud to be Salvation Army. I know that not everyone is, but I am. I am privileged to be the Corps Officer of the Ringwood Salvos. and I know God has placed me here. In the middle of all the Army ways, some of which some people think are weird, (as do I, at times) I know, I just know, that God has still destined this Army to be a world changer.
One life at a time, and that is actually what is happening.

So in my busy crazy ministry life, I will hold to the truth, that amidst our uniforms, and bands and songsters...amidst our songbook songs, our unique ways..... amidst our flag waving, and ministry to the disadvantaged and marginilized.... to our soldiers and friends, our adherents and officers.

There will be God .
There is God.

I will be honest, it really bothers me, that some young ones are seeking God in every other place than the place where they were raised. I know this will be taken the wrong way by some, and I don't want to hurt anyone, but the truth is ... God is with us too in The Salvation Army...

for some, the grass looks greener in the other pastures, maybe it might look better in our Salvo paddock if we planted some more seed here and nurtured it to growth here.

I wonder if it is our consumer mentality that drives this constant searching after a better church or a newer experience. I wonder what it might look like if we changed from "consumer" to "servant" in our heart and mindset.

I know...God leads people here and there, sure I know that... but He also asks us to bloom where we are planted.
To serve those He brings across our paths. To lead others to Him in THIS house.

well, I am believing that God is going to do amazing things in us and through us and amidst us in TSA and in TSA Ringwood.

Salvo style.

You can be a part of it.
One day when I retire..or die, whichever comes first, I pray that some may have seen and experienced Jesus in me. That my life will have impacted many others towards a closer journey with Jesus.

I am His, and He is mine, and His banner over me is LOVE. ..... Salvo style.


  1. HI Gary,

    Thanks for your blog and for sharing your heart. Growing up I never attended church or associated myself with any denomination really. Today however, I am definitely 100% Salvo. I love the army, I love everything that it stands for and I agree with its theology. Like you I am frustrated how for some, they feel that the grass is greener elsewhere. The reality is that the grass is greener where one chooses to water it. God doesn't select denominations or music style. God searches for the true believer, the one who is earnestly seeking him out with their heart. I love God with everything I have and I know he will be wherever I am so I don't need to go looking, I just need to remain in Him.
    In response to your last part of your blog, I just want to say that you have been a great reflection of Christ to me. Your passion, sincerity and genuine love of God and people is evident. Your investment in me over the past 10 years has not only been appreciated, it has been invaluable. I am where God wants me to be because of the influence and investment of you and Julie, as well as many other leaders who have come into my life. Keep being you. Keep being who God has created you to be.

    For all those who may have moved away from the Army or who are even thinking about it I say this. God is everywhere. All he asks is that you choose to say yes to him, that you choose to draw closer to him. The style of worship etc in the scheme of things means nothing. God will move any time and anywhere if you simply allow him too.

    Blessings to you Gary.


    1. thanks you Dave, miss you ....hope you are travelling ok. Claire too. love you guys so much.

  2. AMEN, AMEN, AMEN mate, so with you in this - love you guys and praying that ou be blessed heaps and heaps!

  3. blessings Andrew.... hope you guys are going ok....


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