What got us here, will not get us there.

I have been thinking about the this for sometime now.

We as TSA have come along way, but yet...there is a long way yet to go, and everything we have done up until now, has given us the results we now have. It's insanity to think, that if we keep doing the things we have already done, that we will get a different result. All that we have done so far, in previous weeks, months and years and even decades have given us the results we are seeing right now. If we think for one moment that things are going to change, by doing the things the same way as we have already done them, then there may be a need for seeing a therapist.

do things the same way, get the same result.

change the way you do things, get a different result.

the problem with this, is ..... that many think everything is honky dory....all "A OK".... and that's where the real bottle neck actually is.

Because the truth is, (and many don't want to acknowledge the truth), that we are not winning, we are not growing as big and wide and deep as we could be growing. We are perhaps losing more than we are gaining, and... we have wandered away from our original mission and Booth's planting vision and plan, and mandate.

What got us here, wont get us where we need to go.

this world is a very different place today than what it was even 20 years ago.

and in 20 years from now, it will be incredibly different again,

and if we think for one millisecond that we should just keep doing things the same way, and it will all be ok, and we will leap into the new era......in the blink of an eyelid, TSA will be irrelevant and a forgotten memory (as a church at least) in this country. I am not sure thats what God intended for us.

Some who read this blog may be offended by the thought, that everything they have done in the past as Army leaders, has caused us to be where we are. But it is the truth. How can it not be ?

It's not meant to offend, we can't change the past, and we all thought we were doing our best and we were.. however we haven't adapted... we haven't modified...we haven't kept up with the changes happening around us and keeping in step ....

let's be super honest, Booth was radical for His day.... His passion and commitment and heart, led to huge sweeping reforms in the world as TSA spread like wildfire in its infancy. Millions were saved. We have become comfortable, we have become safe, we have become misunderstood. and we have lost our edge.

Where are the radicals of today's Salvation Army ? there are a handful around the traps, but ... mostly they've gone missing.

Will I get in trouble for my thoughts about this ? maybe.... but shouldn't it be said ? isn't it time to shake the tree and rock the boat and start a passionate wild fire revival of heart after God and lost souls ?

I have been grappling with a vision that God gave me earlier this week about Ringwood Salvos church. It's not an easy vision, and it would be misunderstood,and it will require me to be extremely clear in delivery( if i ever do actually deliver it) but there is a sense in my spirit, that if God said it, then so be it... it's not scary, it's not hurtful, ( actually its way exciting) but it could be easily confused with something that it isn't, but it will mean huge change to the way we think and behave, and it will impact way more than just Ringwood. So, I will pray it through until I think God may open door for me to speak it into fertile minds and hearts.

All that to say, though, that TSA must be about Gods business, it must be obedient to the Holy Spirit, it must become what God intended it to be, it must tweak and adjust and steer in the ways of heaven, honour Jesus in everything.

So that you don't think, I am a complete heretic towards TSA.... I want to share a few things about my heart.

I have looked at many different churches and some other worship styles really appeal to me, I have even thought at times that maybe I was in the wrong church(TSA) and should be some other place. But as soon as I think it, I here this still small voice inside me remind me "I called you, Gary Grant, to be a Salvo ... and I am proud to be a Salvo. But I don't want to see TSA fall and fail and diminish, truthfully, not everything about TSA I love and agree with, but a Salvo I am...and a Salvo I will remain, ( unless I get sacked after writing this blog) so it leaves me no other option than to try my best to usher in change, to help others rise up into Gods purpose, to challenge the status quo, to pose the hard questions, to lead where I think God is leading me, to speak what I feel God would have me speak,and to shut up when I think God would have me shut up.


I think its time to dream a big dream again, for our own Christian walk, of course, but also for TSA in Australia.

Dream of what we could be, not just what we once were.

and then pray like billy-o..... that God would take us to a place we have never been before, that He would do in us, what we have never seen or experienced before, that we might become, something we could have never dreamed up on our own.

With God, it is all possible. without Him....nothing really is.


(remember, these are just my own personal opinions. everyone is entitled to their own opinions)


  1. Hi Gary,

    Some interesting thoughts you have been challenged with. I have been thinking about similar things but looking back at Booths (both of them) ministry realise that the impact of the early salvation army was their commitment to Jesus declaration in Luke "I have come to bring good news to the poor" . Salvo families over generations have become middle class and our connection and commitment to the poorest of the poor has greatly diminished.
    I dont think that the army grew at such a rate in the early days because of its worship style, nor did the early church of Paul. Corporate worship is such a small part of what we do yet seems to get a lot of debate and focus. I think our focus should be on our mission outside the church - no accident that the Booths didnt name it The Salvation Church. Church is more of a sit and watch idea, Army is more of a get involved idea.

    Rather than trying to build an Army mega church somewhere TSA should be thinking more of a collection of Armies that make up a mega mission. TSA should be present in every poor community in Australia - I am not sure the world needs more middle class churches, plenty of others who can do that anyway. If we are trying to be Hillsong in uniforms then we are wasting our time.
    The Army grew at an enormous rate in the early days because it genuinely cared about people that society had rejected. Offered them hope and practical help, advocated on their behalf and got them involved in the mission.
    Hope this makes sense - I would sort of summarise by saying I dont think we need to be doing something new, I think we need to be doing something old.
    Jesus mission was to the poor, so was the Booths.

  2. John, I just know we need to grapple with it, no matter what it is called, (church, army, or whatever) and looks like and sort it ...otherwise, we may very well just fade away into history books somewhere.
    I am learning these days, that we must keep up with what is happening in the world and atthe same time impact it, influence it and do our best to bring Jesus to it... ( that's what is so good about 614 in the city, completely misunderstood and critized by some, yet it is forcing change and influencing not only the marginalized, but others in the process) thanks for your comments, I hope this causes great discussion and dialogue and ushers in "strategies" ( not something you have, but something you do) that cause us to rise up to be what we are positioned to be and do.

  3. another thought : for what it is worth...
    the terminology "ARMY" may have worked well in our past... it may need to be adjusted today to things like Project or etc etc to speak(communicate) a different thought... dunno ? in light of the theme of this blog.

  4. I agree with John Collinson's comments. If you want to look at the fastest growing Corps here and overseas, look at those who have returned to the Booth's passion for the poor, to see them come to wholeness which we naturally believes happens through salvation and belief in Jesus Christ. 614 continues to grow in ministry to the poor and also in salvations as a result of taking God's original vision for TSA as given to the Booth's seriously. In recent years we've seen Corps such as Hobsons Bay more than double in size as a result of spending time ministering to the marginalized and displaced. In my own Corps this past year, I've seen people who do it tough find a place to call home and a relationship (deeper or first time) with Jesus. When we talk uniform or worship style or terminology we water down the real issue. The world doesn't need another middle-class church. It needs us to be the holiness movement we were called to be who fight for justice and peace. That's not to say that there's no place for people who are in the middle class bracket, but we need to stop tailoring our corps to being like other churches or trying to win the middle class instead of saying "God needs us all to join this fight for justice". People care less about worship style and terminology and uniform than people make out. What they want is to see consistency between the Gospel we preach and the way we live our life! (Sarah Eldrige comments from Facebook)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. what is so good about 614,is the fact that they are doing relevant ministry ( in their context, city based ministry) that wont work in every setting. 614 is showing us all what to do, take Jesus to the people in relevant ways. thats what i also like about the development of just brass ministry's. ( which south barwon are doing well, and Ringwood is starting) lets keep Jesus central. If we take Him out of the equation, or lessen His importance, or centrality..... we are doomed.

  7. Thank you Gary. My thoughts exactly. We need to grow and mature and adapt to the rapid changes that are occurring today. If we stay as we (TSA) are, we will surely die. The spirit is dying and the ability to be radical is wrapped in so much red tape and procedure strangle all efforts. From my side of the fence, it appears almost too difficult and frustration to develop ways to grow. I stand with you and support you in these thoughts.


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