I am in this conference, course, program this week, which is all about helping me to develop in myself, some key attiributes to assist me in my leadership.

It is very challenging and demanding but also very affirming, and I found today, day 2, very helpful.

Leadership is all about influence, and in Jesus eyes, its all about being a servant.

I really am not sure how great a leader I am these days. I am usually fairly confident in my own ability and capcity, but it is all being challenged and tweaked and  huge lessons are being learnt by me.

There are some things which I hold as fundamental and foundational about myself.
( you could probably scroll down through some previous posts to see my own personal axioms, if you were curious)

But I do believe that things are not going to change any time soon, if someone, somewhere, doesnt stand up and be counted in some place.

I desire to not waste my life, I want to make a difference to those around me, and even though at times I am misunderstood, and perhaps seen as a threat...I am not going to stop idly by and watch things go to a place of decline and poor performance and for us to go backwards.

I am a change agent.  But that always causes someone to have their feathers ruffled. It's whether I can weather the storm of the reaction to that when it comes.

I am not a stupid leader, and I dont believe in just changing things for the sake of changing things, or for my own personal preferences, but only where I sense that something might be headed for decline or death, will I step in and attempt to develop a new growth life-cyle to bring new life .

for those who read my blog who might be threatened by change...please allow me to pose some hard questions that I would ask you to consider, and if need be, respond to... and pray about.

whether its for Ringwood, or some other corps or church...these questions must be asked. and more importantly , they must be answered. (honestly)

Q1. In 10 years from now, and even in 20 years from now, what will our church look like if we maintain what we are doing right now today ?

Q2. What is the "age demographic" of our main congregation today ? What will it look like in 10 or 20 years from now, if everything stays exactly the same as it is today ?

Q3. Do we care enough about the lost, enough to sacrifice our personal preferences so that unsaved people may find a home amongst us ?

Q4. Do we as a church, live in Gods purpose's ( as outlined in the bible) or do we live in our own preferences ?

Q5. Am I  a  blockage to change  ( part of the problem) or am I doorway to change ( part of the solution) ?   Do I get upset when things are modifed/tweaked/adjusted...?  why ?

Q6. When was the last time  we observed brand new people accepting Christ ( for the very first time) in our worship services ?  ( failure to do this is direct disobedience to the great commission Matthew 28, just saying )

and final question...

Q7. What am I prepared to sacrifice so that unsaved people may find a home in my church and be saved ?  ( are you really prepared for this ?)

EDLP, has nothing to do with these questions, but I am constantly challenged by the fact that if we dont move forwards, we, by default, stay still...which has another term, called stagnation, and its just as bad as going backwards.

Not many of us are happy to go backwards or become redundant or stagnate and start to smell, personally or in our career or homes, and in a similar fashion,  I believe that God's holy church, called, The Salvation Army in our case, is meant to be thriving, healthy and growing. (see *** below)

for that to happen, a number of things simply must occur within us, and around us and through us.

and I sense thats why I am doing  the ELDP.... course. So that I may become healthier and thriving and growing in my capacity to lead.

It still gob smacks me that God chooses people like me (and maybe you), to do His work on the earth, and it  requires us to stand up and be counted, and amidst criticism and complaint, to challenge  every step of the way until  we find oursleves, once again, growing, healthy and thriving.   
Anything other than that is simply unacceptabe in my mind.

(***) statistically we are not growing accross the board, and in many cases and contexts we are in some pretty serious decline, if this is to be challenged, then I ask you to take a look at your own corps and do a mini survey. If you have grown by more than 20% over the past 5 years. ( eg: so in 2007 you had 100 people on average in attendance, but now in 2013 there is 120 ) Then praise be to God for what is happening in your situation, But if not,  - what then ? What will you do about that ?


  1. Hi Gary,
    good word. I have been asking our Corps that very same thing.
    Peter Sweeney.

  2. 2007 70 people 2013 160 avg give God the glory!

  3. I did a course with a Major Ennis when he was at Geelong. I remember the two questions he asked us to discuss:

    “How is The Salvation Army to give relevant expression and faithful embodiment
    to the Gospel?” (Along with this question went one about "what is the Gospel?")

    “What would an understanding of the Army (ecclesiology) look like it were
    truly missional in design and definition?”

    Both questions are still relevant. Paladin, R

  4. We must do more than just grapple with the questions. We must act upon the answers. Good comments R. Paladin. .....
    For me... No more just talking about it...it's time to do something. I will be starting this week on this.


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