pay attention to your intentions.

It's a good thought... we all have intentions, most of them are really good, but they are completely useless unless we have followed up on them and actioned them.

Having a good intention and doing nothing with it, is kind of like having oxygen and not breathing it.

So many Christians:

intend to pray.... and then forget.

intend to tithe.... and find something else to do with the money.

intend to come to church... but something always seems to pop up.

intend to read their bibles, but get caught watching too much TV and the time is gone.

intend to exercise...

intend to eat well..

intend to speak to a friend about....


we must pay attention to our intentions.

Recently I was reminded of this thought by a coach of mine...he reminded me of a few other things as well.

one such thought....


Everyone has 168 hours in every single week. no one has any less, or any more.

how you use those hours is up to you.


so.... it is my intention to grow a church, beyond where its ever been before, what will happen if I don't use my hours to do that ? Nothing....

nothing will happen if I don't do something.

but If I do something, then it is absolutely expected that something will indeed happen.

I am on this planet for a purpose, its entirely up to me, to live that out with intention and action.

Have I blogged this before, maybe .... maybe I need to say it to myself again.


I loved the quote I read this week...

" The only way to avoid criticism, is to say nothing, do nothing and be nothing " (Aristotle)


that is not me.... I hate being criticized, who amongst us likes it ?

but if I want to see action, and I do..... then the critics will rise, and they do. (have)


so... here's a Gary Grant formula for life...ministry and Church.


1. Work out what you intend to do. What God has asked you to do.

2. Start doing it, even if criticized along the way.

3. Re-visit the intention, so it doesn't get lost in the "conflict".

4. Pay attention to your intentions and be ready for opposition.

5. Pray.


I love church, but it can be so fickle. full of prickles.


That's why it is so vital that we know why we do what we do, ......the how of what and why will come as we stay tuned and connected to the Who !!! (just a thought)



  1. I'm reminded of Peter Drucker's quote, “ The best way to predict your future is to create it. ”
    Thank you Gary for the reminder, that it's all about Jesus for us. Bill Dodds

  2. and so here's another thought... if you dont do anything you will also be criticized,so whether you do something or whether you dont, you will be criticized. So you might as well do something. If criticism is gonna come either way, you might as well achieve something in the process.

    aint' life just grand !?!?

  3. Thanks Gaz, this post prompted me to follow through with an intention to catch up with a like-minded leader. Speaking of which, we too are overdue for a coffee :)


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