Knowing God ! Or Knowing about Him!

I worry a lot about those who keep their Christianity bottled up in their head alone. I see so many people around me who seem to have no power in their faith, no sense of relational connectedness to our Father God. I heard last night that the Hebrew word for this connectedness is the same or has the same meaning as head and heart together. Whilst that may be very true in Hebrew, for many on this planet, who do not know Hebrew, there is still a very strong reality that knowing about God, is very different to actually "Knowing" Him.

Christianity is meant to be a relationship with Jesus.

Even satan knows who Jesus is.

Christianity for me needs the Power of heaven falling and flowing in and through and around us. The power that causes blind people to be able to see, power that helps cripples walk, power that saves a sinner from his sin, power to believe in things thought impossible to the human mind. It's this kind of power that enabled Peter to Walk on water,..... Yet if we relegate our theology to our limited human understanding, we miss something. We need the supernatural power of God in our churches...and Corps. Anything else is just us, playing church.

This is not a criticism, but rather a hearts hunger cry for the things of God.

I have been in meetings when I have seen the power of God in such ways that people were literally healed in front of my very eyes.

Where people who have lived lies all their life, have been released, miraculously.

People put on the floor. Gently and powerfully. Even me.

I have sensed the presence of God so very strong, and bought to my knees and tears as I felt His Holy Spirit warm my heart and tingle my skin.

This is church, this is my experience, this is what I desire my ministry and life to be all about.

I remember the day very well, when my own daughter was supernaturally healed right before my eyes. The doctors were mystified, but the evidence proved the fact.

I remember the day when Angels manifested and were visible to me on the bonnet of my car as I drove to a dangerous and Yet God Honouring appointment.

I remember much about the Holy Spirits power in my life, and its time for more.

Many criticize and dismiss this ....trying to justify it and balance it off in the ledger of their mindset. You can't do that.

It's not something you can work out in your brain.... It's a spirit thing and its very very real.

And I want some more of that stuff in my life and ministry.

The kind of Supernatural activity that changes stubborn hearts and heads and replaces it with Joy and unspeakable peace.


Bring it on !!!!!!


Hope your ready Ringwood, coz, I am praying for a supernatural flood and downpour of God amongst us.

After that..... No one will be the same again.


And once you have experienced this supernatural power of God will never be satisfied with anything less.


( and for those skeptics, and cynics.... Jesus said.... You have not, because you ask not )


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