Just go ahead with what you've been given...

 Colossians 2.... The Message bible...
My counsel for you is simple and straightforward:
Just go ahead with what you've been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him.

You're deeply rooted in him.

You're well constructed upon him.

You know your way around the faith.    Now do what you've been taught.

School's out; quit studying the subject and start living it!
And let your living spill over into thanksgiving.

Watch out for people who try to dazzle you with big words and intellectual double-talk.
They want to drag you off into endless arguments that never amount to anything.
They spread their ideas through the empty traditions of human beings and the empty
superstitions of spirit beings.

But that's not the way of Christ.

Everything of God gets expressed in him, so you can see and hear him clearly.

You don't need a telescope, a microscope, or a horoscope to realize the fullness of Christ, and the emptiness of the universe without him.

When you come to him, that fullness comes together for you, too.

His power extends over everything

Just recently I have become aware that things are cranking up in regards to the power of God working in and around my life. 

His power extends over everything, my life, my ministry, my situation, my circumstances...
and your situation and your cirmcumstances as well.

Now there's a thought !!!

So how do we tap into that power ?

Prayer, and making the effort to get up close and personal with Jesus.  Every single day of your life.


The presence of the Holy Spirit amidst us, within us, - allows the Power to do in us what cant be done any other possible way.

Jesus is present amongst us in church, through the indwelling Holy Spirit. His power moving into our lives and churches can cause our situation, and our churches, to change.  Our illness to dissapear, our lostness, our abandonment and loneliness and hurt.... our church lethargy and boredom...... all to be replaced with a peace that just cant be explained easily.

So why do Christians and churches remain  "seemingly powerless" and " weak " ?

Is it possible that the same God who does it ( moves mightily in power) in some Christians and churches,  is different in other churches and Christians ?  or is it that simply stated that those churches and Christians have settled for something less than Gods very best. !?!

Well, having been a part of both kinds of churches, I think its simply a state of ignorance... or stubborness.   And at the very worst, rebellion.

God wants to do in us and through us, amazing, awesome things, which will blow our mind. 
My personal opinion and belief is, that simply, we have not in our lives, because we have asked not in our lives. (and churches)

People who are pretenders in the  local church are missing out on so much from the Hand of God.

I would rather be a contender for God than a pretender of Him. (thanks Jentezen Franklin)

It has been said many times,  who you are when you are alone, is who you really are... That is so true.

Except, we are never alone..Our God is always with us and aware of us and what we are doing.

Face the fire, dont run from it......  get close to the source,  trust and obey, surrender to His Awesome presence in your life...

Just go ahead with what you've been given... You have been given Jesus Christ.    Salvation.    Power inside your spirit to do what is nothing short of supernatural. 

You were not menat to stay the same.  To keep on doing the same old sinful behaviours.  We were meant for greatness in Jesus Christ.

His power extends over every aspect of your life and mine.  We can rise above this earthly mess.

Dont be fooled by the clever arguments and deceptions of the devil at work in this world. 
Dont  be tricked into sin by the temptations that are so prevalent around us.

Allow Jesus, who is inside your heart, to shine through your every action and word.

Just go ahead with what you've been given.

I am praying that many in our modern Salvo churches will experience a fresh wave of the Holy Spirit in our worship services, that we will experience new power, new spiritual gifts being given, old mindsets shattered  and new revelation and vision. New dreams, new hopes, new faith, new hope.

I cant stand to see Christains who are worn out and tired and have lost vision and the hope of the Kingdom. I cant stand to see people just lost in words and theory's, void of an "alive vibrant power" flooding their every step.

Oh Lord God, I pray for a revival and renewal in the Salvation Army, and may it start in my life first.

AMEN. !!!!  ( May it indeed be so)

P.S.    if you want it...it's yours.. Just stop right now, and genuinly go to God and whisper the prayer. Lord do it  in me...pour out your power into my life and my situation and my circumstance. and then with a mustard seed sized faith, wait and expect it to happen in you.



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