Supernatrual Rain.... dont put your umbrella up if it rains.

It wasn't  one of the easiest sermons to deliver.

There is opposition.

It's probably not one of my best.

Not everyone present experienced the same as what some did.

Nevertheless, God was here, and He did some amazing things in some of our people.

No doubt some also will have thought, are you serious ?

I didn't see anything.... I knew God was there... And I nearly stuffed it up at the end when one of our ladies spontaneously wanted to testify, off the cuff, as to what God had done in her, ......and me, thinking she was about to prophesy, and I wasn't feeling comfortable about that, tried to stop her...even said "no" publicly....


Anyway we got through, I do feel a new sense of boldness and openness....

God can do whatever He wants in me, through me, with me.

I am having trouble listening to it on my ipad, and expect it should work ok on the desktop computers, but if you want to hear the message from Ringwood yesterday, and hear what God is doing amongst us, even in spite of us, then go to the following website, click on the podcast link and have a listen.

God is here, there is no question.

I don't for one minute think, that I am the greatest preacher on the planet.... 

But I am available and I truly desire
God to do what cant be done amongst us, any other way.

Bless you today.


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