Dangerous comments for the Salvos (take 2)

Without any doubt my most visited blog entry was the one I made about this topic on February 25th..this year.

this blog entry had in excess of 500 hits over a 2 week period, the most of any of my blog entries at any time since I have been blogging.

I have pondered why that is....

one reason is perhaps people thought I was going to be a  heretic and bag TSA out.
perhaps others wondered what I was going to say that was just so dangerous.  who knows....

I guess when it comes to TSA we all have our opinions, hopes and dreams and thoughts.

as a leader I hear them all the time, especially if I make  a decision to do something that is a little out there.

everyone is entilted to their opinion, even if their opinion isnt correct.
(even me, you too !!!!)

sometimes its best to keep your opinions to yourself, you know, wait to be asked and all that, and at other times, injustice demands that we speak up and suffer the consequences of our opinions being spoken.

there are some pretty hot potatoes going on around us these days that affect TSA, us as Christians, Leaders, worshippers and churches. Our nation is bordering on making decisions and choices on all kinds of  issues that distract and divide belief and morals and opinions.

take the following: ( which I am not defending or accusing, just noting)

1. assylum seekers... the boat people
2. gay marriage...
3. abortion...
4. legalising marijauna

you may form an opinion on one of these, only to find some who will agree and some who will disagree.  That's life isnt it ?  you will never please everyone, and neither will everyone agree with you on everything.

so how then should we live ?  what is right and what isnt ?

who should make the decisions  ?

for me, as a Christian, and  for TSA, has at its core the truth of the bible, for me, for us, we live by His Word. by the direction of Christ and the commands laid out for us in His word.

what does God say about these topics ?

then we have people divided about the interpretation of the Bible and what is truth in that ...

Complicated isnt it ?

Sometimes TSA makes statements about certain thngs that makes us look like we are sitting on the fence....  sometimes we need to sit on the fence.

and sometimes we mustn't.

for me, I have made up my own mind about the assylum seeking... gay marriage, abortion, drugs issues...  I am at peace within my soul about it, and the truth is, there will be many who would agree with me and take my stand as well.  and ..there will be just as large a group, who would disagree and yell and scream at me, for my opinion also.

I know some things to be true for me.....

I am called by God to serve in TSA
I am here as His servant to lead His church where He wishes it to go.
TSA is His idea.
His bible truth hasnt changed....its been the same for as long as you have been alive and even before that !!! and will be long after you and I have gone.

maybe if we put our trust back into God and His ways in our nation, in our churches, in our lives, then some things may become a little more easier to manage and govern and understand and live out.

Just a thought.  just my opinion .

and one final opinion !!!!!

the bible says that we are in a war.
that our enemy ( Satan) is intent on destroying any hope we put in Christ.
our enemy wishes to distract us away from our mission and purpose of following Christ and serving Him in His way.
the enemy would have us distort truth...he would have us compromise our faith and water down our belief to accomodate all sorts of heresy and biblical untruth.
making God out to be someone He isnt.... and making out sin to be something better than what it is.

satan is a coniving, deceiving, tricking, destroyer of life..... there is nothing good about him, he desires only to lead you and I and the rest of our world away from the demands of Christ and the invitation of Christ, to be in a loving relationship with the saviour of the world. (JESUS)

We all have free will choice, we all have the right to an opinon, I have chosen Jesus as my life, and even though I fall and fail Him at times. He is my light,  He is my hope and He is my truth. every step of the way, and when things get cloudy and confusing by the choices
our world is making these days ???.

Jesus is my fall back foundation. 

On Him I stand.


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