Slip Up !!!! ????

I havent had the chance to blog for a few weeks, having caught a good dose of winter flu, knocked me for six.... actually quite a few of us have the flu presently, and now I cant stop coughing.

I have been interested today by the number of home remedies people are telling me of,  I was aware of and have used the old honey and lemon concoction , but some of these other new ones are ...hmmm  interesting. ( and by interesting  I mean, scary ( not to touch !!!!!!! )

anyway.... each day feels a little better, hopefully soon... I will be free of the little bug inside me.

I have been pondering the "bug" ... the virus that somehow manages to bring us down, put us in bed, raise up a fever, give us the shakes.... and stop us from living out, our normal life.

it doesnt take much does it ?

It was so nasty last week I couldn't even get to church.... I hate it when that happens.

Catching a virus, or a flu bug usually happens by contact with someone else who already  has it.  They say, caring is sharing.... but in regards to the flu, caring is staying away and not sharing.   

In our lives we live in a contagious world, we can catch  pretty much anything from anywhere and from anyone.  We can catch a cold, or the flu, we can catch generosity and also we can catch a stingy spirit.  We can catch discouragement as well as encouragement .... and here are a few others we can catch... by hanging around certain kinds of people:

hope or hopelessness

The way in which we live, can cause others to get a change of mindset and life outlook.  We have all come across people who live  so depressed and in  state of hopelessness, that by hanging around them, we start to feel what they are... and the opposite is true as well... when we rub up against someone who lives out their hope and passion for life and their confidence in the future, it too, can be caught and we find ourselves slipping/rising "up"...  and into excited anticipation of our potential.

What a great thought... to "slip up" instead of "slipping down" rise above, instead of falling below.  To share the hope we have, by being contagious with our love, contagious with our hope, our grace and confidence in Jesus.
I wonder how different our Army might look, our churches and families and relationships, if we lived out our faith in such a way as to be generous and contagious in hope, love, mercy, forgiveness, blessing and everyting else that Jesus means to us !?

I want people to say of me.... " I want what he has "  ( not the flu thing  but the Jesus thing !!!!!!

I would hate it if people ever thought of me,  " I dont want to be like him ".

the biggest compliment anyone has given me since I arrived at Ringwood, was telling me that they thought.....  "I am the real deal"....

I pray I never cease to be the real deal, and Christ will always be clearly seen in and through me and stacks of people will trust Jesus with their  life, becuase of the way I tried to live mine.

Christianity at its absolute foundation is all about being contagious with what we have (in Jesus).

We cant afford to be an island, void of interaction with others.

We must boldy share, the hope and faith we profess, and with contagious enthusiasm, live it out in truth and integrity.

Sometimes we dont even realise just who is watching our example and listening to our words and observing whether or not our actions match our words.

I pray that we will slip upwards and allow the love of Christ to ooze out of our demeanour. right now today !!!!

go on... 

start sharing the Jesus that is in your heart  !!!!


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