I can't stop crying .....

What a week I am having. I can't stop crying.


All the revelation and truth and reminders and prophecy and restoration ....I am being renewed and refreshed, blessed and overwhelmed.

God has taken me to a whole new level this past couple of days and it just keeps rolling.

So many people in the local church, mine, probably yours as well, (and hopefully not you personally) criticize so much and so often.

If its not worship style, or the loudness of the music,or media, or uniforms,or the words you say, or labeling you as an exaggerator or something else....

It seems to me that there are more that have a critical spirit than those who don't !

Yet Jesus is here, and He strengthens us and blesses us. Why would we willingly choose to be critical of anything about the Kingdom. ???

Perhaps its jealousy, or maybe even envy, perhaps its a competitive attitude .....I dunno,

but one thing I do know, Hillsong is not to be criticized, but rather blessed and thanked for bringing thousands of people from hundreds of churches, from all kinds of denominations, into the one place at the one time, to worship Jesus, and allow God to teach hearts and restore and heal and refresh and bless and equip and empower and release.... I am here, and He has done all that in me. And around 30,000 other people also.


I don't know why Christians feel the need to criticize other churches and other Christ followers. Or leaders and pastors and officers.


I don't know why people in Salvo churches get so threatened either....


I think it has something to do with "us" losing what we think is ours.

Our identity, our mission, our purpose, our music, our uniforms, our songs, our history !?!?

Here's a little secret, .....Our identity, our mission, our purpose, our music, our uniforms, our songs, our history, are not ours to keep or protect. They all belong to Jesus.

Everything we are, everything we do, everything we could ever hope to be or become, is all about Jesus.

When we get guarded about protecting this thing called the Salvation Army, we lose sight of the fact that God raised us, created us, birthed us to do and be unique in our world. But not exclusive. And certainly to not be prideful,or " better" than any other church. ( or worse )

We need to understand and celebrate our uniqueness and relationship as brothers / partners with the other churches.... To know...deeply.... Jesus is Lord, of TSA as well as Hillsong, C3, Lakewood, Willowcreek, Saddleback, Anglicans, Uniting church, Catholics, Baptists, AOG, Church of Christ, and everyone else as well.

I want to tell you.... Something profound has happened inside my spirit this past couple of days.

I want to tell you... Whatever my future holds, wherever that means I will serve Him, I have decided once again, that I am following Jesus, I am not turning back. I am His. He is mine.

I have been called to serve Him, to speak for Him, to wear a uniform for Him, to partner with other churches in helping the mission and Kingdom advance.

I will keep going. Many criticize. Few step up.

Its way easy to have a critical spirit, but it sure does nothing for anyone in leadership in the church.

Don't try to get "your" way.... Do everything you can to make sure that..."JESUS " gets His way in your church and in your life.

Would you be free from ...... ? ( being critical)

There is power in the blood, .... Name of Jesus,.....church of Jesus,....(including TSA and Hillsong)

Let's start living like we actually believe that to be true.


This particular blog entry isn't because someone criticized me....

It is because God has shown me, that I have been doing some pretty good things in the Kingdom, that " HE" is actually pleased with me, that my best days of ministry and preaching are still ahead of me.... That I will be instrumental in being used for His Glory on the earth, wherever He positions me... And right now that's at Ringwood Salvation Army church. He has gifted me, and wired me for His purpose, I am His. He has placed a mantle on my shoulders, I will not shrink back from that mantle. I am designed and destined for His purpose and to lead in His church. I never would have dreamt that would be the case, but that is how it is.

Come and hear me tell my story.... I am soldier bound for Glory. (His story, His glory)

Rise up, and be faithful.....
Rise up and be an encourager...
Rise up and be a part of this great story...
Rise up, and don't you ever shrink back from Him and His call on your life.


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