Getting my knees dirty.....

I have been listening to Matt Redman's new album in the past few days.

I would strongly suggest you go to iTunes and buy the album for yourself and make an investment into your own spirit. It's great contemporary music for worship. But without a doubt there is one key song on the album which is speaking into my heart.


It is the song "Mercy".

The lyrics are .....

"I will kneel in the dust

at the foot of the cross,

where mercy paid for me.
Where the wrath I deserve,
it is gone, it has passed.

Your blood has hidden me.

Mercy, mercy,
as endless as the sea.
I'll sing Your hallelujah
for all eternity.
We will lift up the cup
and the bread we will break,
remembering Your love.
We were fallen from grace,

but You took on our shame

and nailed it to a cross.

Mercy, mercy,
as endless as the sea.
I'll sing Your hallelujah
for all eternity.


May I never lose the wonder,
oh, the wonder of Your mercy.
May I sing Your hallelujah.
Hallelujah, Amen.

[repeat 3x]

May I never lose the wonder,
oh, the wonder of Your mercy.
May I sing Your hallelujah.
Hallelujah, Amen.


I will kneel in the dust
at the foot of the cross,
where mercy paid for me. "

Read more: Matt Redman - Mercy Lyrics | MetroLyrics

I need God's mercy. His grace. His forgiveness. His love. His power. His anointing. His complete influence over my life.

Over the past few weeks I have felt a strong sense that my little world and all that I treasure and cherish has been under some kind of attack.

I feel a lot of things which I perhaps should keep to myself, some things after all are deeply personal, however ....I find myself singing along with Matt....

"May I never lose the wonder,
oh, the wonder of Your mercy.
May I sing Your hallelujah.
Hallelujah, Amen. "

I think its possible to lose or forget the wonder of the cross, to grow tired of waiting, to be distracted by the temptations, and earthly things that happen around us, to the point where we find ourselves starting to function in auto pilot or settling for less than God's very best. You know, just going through the motions.

I don't want to be that kind of Christian leader.

May I never lose the wonder of your mercy. That's my prayer. That's my hope.

God has done much for me throughout my life and he just continues to do so. Everyday I am gob smacked by his grace and faithfulness.

What I don't deserve, I get.

What I do deserve, I am spared from.

I pray that this day, Gods mercy and grace will shine through me, and in me.....

I want to get my knees dirty, so that my soul may be clean.

To kneel in the dust at the foot of the cross.

My soul needs cleansing, purifying.....constantly.

A couple of sundays ago, when we worshipped at Darwin Salvos, they sang the song....

Purify my heart, refiners fire....

Make me clean...

And that's my prayer...

That as my knees get dirty, my soul may get clean and pure and holy.

And all because of his mercy........



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