The biggest storm in the earth.

I sit here in the local Ford dealership, waiting for them to look at the brakes on my car. Just pondering the world as it goes on around me.

A huge storm is hitting the Phillipines as I sit here, and our Melbourne weather is playing its games again! hot one day freezing the next.

Our world is changing .... And dramatic things happen all the time don't they ?

You have to feel for the people of the Phillipines.... Wind gusts up to 380km/hour. They say its the biggest storm on the earth.

Climatic Storms come and go, and sometimes other kinds of storms come into our emotions and family life and relationships, our work.... And people struggle their way through them.

Looking for the calm, and peace in our life storms, is often hard to find.

I don't know how you feel in these kinds of storms, but when they happen to me, I just want to curl up under a rock and hide and hope it all will just go away.

This morning I got the blessing of my life when a storm I had prayed about, was dealt with, supernaturally, before the wind started to blow.

I love it when God does that.

Seriously .... I just love it when you pray and stuff happens.

Two such prayers this week.... Two supernatural outcomes.

One was the storm I mention, being calmed before it started... The second involved a friends eyesight being sorted by our miracle working God.


Pretty cool stuff really.


The storms are not cool though are they. ?


So what a great idea to talk to the one who can calm the storm, and instead of telling God how big our storms are, how about telling the storm, how big Our God is. ????


Its a faith thing.


Bless you today.



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