The things that puzzle me !!!

Often in my life I get puzzled. I get confused by things that happen around me, and often, by things that happen to me and the stupid choices I sometimes make for myself.

However there are some other things about life that puzzle me, and make me question a few things about myself, but also faith.

Here are a few of my puzzles....

1. Why someone can accept Christ and his kingdom! and walk in his ways! and then just turn around and walk away from the love of Jesus and serving in his house, the church ?!?!?! Now I get it that churches mess with people's heads, and that the demands and expectations from the church over people is sometimes way over the top, I also get it that sometimes our heirarchy systems leave a bad taste in people's mouths ....but walk away from Jesus ..? .... I have seen some who have had active roles in leadership, in helping others get their head around Jesus and his love, in church! only for them to turn around and walk away! seeing church and Jesus as secondary to everything else that might pop up.

It puzzles me !!!!


2. Why at times I make stupid decisions . It puzzles me about myself that even though I know what the correct choice is, I sometimes still choose the incorrect one. Sigh.

It puzzles me.


3. How a person can become a soldier after going through recruits classes, and stating an understanding of faith and doctrine about TSA. And then live a life compromised, or uniform one day and not the next, or stop wearing it completely, or break all the promises they had made in covenant of soldiership.... Or just choose to go backwards away from the commitments they have made.

It puzzles me.


4. That a person can state something, about something..... And then be moved into position where they can change that something, and then they don't. Instead, becoming part of the problem rather than the cure. (sound cryptic ? Sorry...trying to protect myself)

It puzzles me.


Now I know I am going to get all kinds of responses of defence and justification and excuses why people choose this stuff for themselves. Some may even be angry over my puzzles, and comments..... Seriously, don't even bother.... I am just puzzled by it. And I don't need anyone to solve the puzzle by justifying or putting up excuses or playing the blame game.


I have enough trouble myself ..... But I always come back to Jesus. When I fail or fall down I always strive to get back up and back into the love relationship with Jesus! who accepts me as I am but doesn't want me to stay the same.


Do I need church to do that ? Maybe... Less you criticize and complain about that too, church isn't my idea its Gods idea. Its His Plan "A". And there is no other plan.


Jesus saves us from our sin, and saves us from ourselves.

Jesus is the answer, ..........what was the question ?

Jesus still saves people.

Jesus hasn't finished with you, in fact he hasn't even started yet what he wants to do in your life and mine.

It's always about Jesus.

TSA is about Jesus, even if we get confused and think it isn't, it is, and always has been and always will be.

Even if TSA looks like its more concerned about other things, deep down inside our core, it is Jesus that motivates us.

When life is over, it will be Jesus.

There will be No more puzzles then.


If you have wandered away from Him, please find your way back to Him.


I will list a few more of my life's puzzles at the end of this blog, but remember this... A great quote I read the other day...

Failure isn't falling down.... Failure is staying down when you fall.


Other puzzles of My life...

Why we don't ask God to heal us when we get sick. When He has the power to do so.

Why we think that by doing things the same way we might get a different result.

Why we hold on to traditions that worked a hundred years ago but don't work anymore.

Why some compete with others, when we are on the same team.

Why we live for the moment and not our Eternal destiny.

Why we criticize other churches who are getting the results, when we are not.

Why we isolate people who are radical and are having a crack.

Why some think that they are better than others, or that their work is the only work that is important, when everyone is the same in Gods eyes, and that everyone has a part to play...everyone. Even you. Even me.


Sigh.... The puzzles of life and ministry. !!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Phew, I'm glad I am not the only one who doesn't get it! I share this holy discontent Gary.


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