Persecution, Prayer, Passion, Purpose

During this past week, I heard of some churches around the world, in some pretty hairy places where God is moving in mighty ways. These churches are characterized by strong prayer.... Not just once a week but daily and for huge chunks of time at a time.....prayer.

They are also churches where it is dangerous to be a Christian, in other words you can be put to death for speaking the name of Christ. But these people are passionate fired up Christ followers living their lives with purpose and intention. And God is powerfully evident in their gatherings, and their churches are huge, and growing stronger daily. In places and countries you wouldn't even believe it.

We also heard that they are praying for the church in the west. US.

Whilst we pray that they won't be persecuted, they are praying that we will be. For it is in the persecution that something amazing seems to happen in their prayers and faith.

They see the western church as weak and powerless..... You will need to decide if they are correct or not.

But they are growing. And miracles are common place, so is salvation.


In one country alone, where you wouldn't believe I am not going to name it.... For their own safety....But 4000 Christians pray 24/7 all the time, for their fellow "locals" to be saved, and that church is growing daily, in a predominantly Muslim country. You can be shot and will be for taking the name of Jesus.


So...what does persecution look like there, and what does it look like here ?


A nasty comment is made, a criticisism verbalised, anger riles up over a song choice, or style of worship, and I this persecution ? Or is it stupidity ?

Why would we criticize a style of worship , when people are being executed for believing in Jesus ? I ask you, seriously, ? What in the dickens is that about ?


Persecution for them means death, or imprisonment at the very least.

Persecution for us means feeling uncomfortable with a difference of opinion.


Something doesnt add up does it ?


Today our church marched forwards in the history books in embracing into our family, a church from another culture. A church persecuted in its native land, but perhaps the largest expression of faith at all is in this country itself. Underground, hidden, persecuted, but passionate, prayer warriors changing the landscape of their time. Perhaps over a billion of them.


And us.... What are we doing ?


Well.... I still choose to believe that God has got an army at his disposal. And if we will armour ourselves up, and ready ourselves on our knees in submission and intercession we can expect 2 things to happen.


And they are starting to.


1. Persecution will start to rise up against us. And it is.

2. We will take our nation for our lord! and lives, souls..... in their droves will be changed.

And it must happen. !!!!!!!!!


It's not about getting your own way, it's about doing things the Masters way.

It's not about us...its about those who don't yet know Jesus.

It's not about our style of doing things, but rather Allowing us to be used by the Holy Spirit in how he wants to do things.


When an Army fights from its knees in battle , you can be sure the enemy will quake and do all he can to retaliate.


I am in.... Did you hear me ?


I AM IN !!!!!


Persecution, passion, prayer, purpose....... Bring it ...


We're going to fill fill the world with glory, we're going to smile and not frown

We're going to sing out the old story( in relevant modern ways) we're going to turn this world upside down.


Anyone interested in some persecution with your prayer ? It will change everything.




  1. Gary your comments are spot on. Here in Port Augusta we are revving up the prayer. I think the problem with the western church is that we are too comfortable. Our society gives us so much and so there is no need for God. If you look at where the faith is growing and where God is able to do HUGE things it is definitely where God is all they have. Jesus said that we are blessed when we are persecuted but we seem to interpret persecution as a difficulty. The name of Jesus is powerful so we should not expect anything less. I fear that our complacency is minimizing the message of the gospel. As the church we need to be taking more risks for the gospel. Standing up and speaking out against injustice; speaking the absolute truth of the Word.

    Arguing over what style our worship is certainly falls into the category of foolish. I certainly think that when we are complaining about that stuff our heart certainly isn't focused on Jesus. Worship is more than just music, it's about our every day life, it's everything we do. Jesus should be the very air we breathe because after all it's all about Jesus. Here in Port Augusta we are praying big, we have a big God. Lives are slowly starting to change, our numbers are growing and people are beginning to get bold for Jesus. We are with you mate, keep praying it up.

  2. Dave, I find it bewildering still, after all these years in ministry, who Satan uses and how he uses them to try and derail us. Yesterday was a classic for me, a couple of people got under my skin, criticizing song choices and styles, selfish people who fail to see the bigger picture and unable to see a need for ministers like us, to minister to the whole congregation and not just one age group. We had a truly great day, spoilt by stupid and silly comments. When people do that, I could walk away easily... And I get why some do. Its a battle, this ministry thing, but .... I am in. I know you get it. Bless ya today.


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