Never, Never, Ever !!!!!!!!!!!

As the year speeds on, I can barely believe we are nearly into the 3rd month already. I am well aware of the huge issues facing our lives. Not just mine, but most likely yours also.

For all of us, these issues can affect our faith, as well as our hope.

Not sure what you are facing, but I am hugely aware of my own impending challenges.

Don't misunderstand me, I trust God totally.... It's just that I want and need answers now. I just need to know that all will be well, that we will make it through.


You ever feel like that ?


Let me unpack it for you .... (maybe I am just unpacking it for me....) who knows, need to get it off my chest and out of my mind somehow....


Currently we are leading a huge growing church that is starting to find a renewed sense of release and God activity has turned up the heat. New ministries. New challenges. Positions to fill. Facilities not big enough. Changing culture. ....... And some same old issues with those who will not be moved.

So ministry wise, there are quite a few challenges...


And personally. There are as well..


One wonders at times, how we will manage...


Daughter number 2 to be married in August.

And then... Daughter number 1 to be married in October.

And then...a required trip to India to honour Daughter 1's husbands family celebration in Delhi.

And then... ICO (London) in January 2015

And maybe then... A holiday with my beautiful Jules after that. ( a big huge maybe at this stage )


To say its not a tad overwhelming, would be an understatement .... Not really sure how we will manage our way through all of it.


I have never felt ever that in my life I am not provided for and blessed, I have so much going for me, God has been incredibly good, even when I haven't been.

Humanly speaking though, sometimes when you look at the circumstances of your situation, you can easily be overwhelmed and intimidated by a variety of needs and shortfalls and "seemingly" impossibilities.

It's then, and so for me, it's now... That one must put their faith into action and just say, I will trust God to get us through. To do what I can't do. To be what I am not.


Its faith, when you are certain of something that can't yet be seen.


Someone said to me the other night, as they rubbed their fingers together... Saying to me, "you will be broke !!!!!! How will you manage ?"

Yeah, probably..... We have to get there first.. (And I am not really sure yet how we will manage)

But with God on my side! I am always blessed! always provided for! always loved! always cared for!

Never alone, never abandoned, never, never, ever,

I don't know what your circumstances are, or your situation.... I know what mine are.

But as I remind you, I remind myself.

Trust God with your circumstances and situation.

Trust Him with your needs and issues. He is faithful. He is just, He knows what He is doing, He is never failing, and always reliable.

I am trying to do that, and as each day passes and we gather momentum towards our milestones this year, we will do our best to honour Him in all we do, to please Him, to serve Him.

What else could we do ?

May He bless you today in your situation... And in your circumstances. As I pray He does for mine.


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