Where do you come from ?

The other day I met someone for the first time, and I found myself asking them, where do you come from ?
Now this person was from South Korea, so in some ways its fair enough, but it got me thinking about where we all come from ?
I come from Perth, Western Australia, I was born in Busselton, a beautiful place.... But we all come from somewhere, but when you think about it, isn't it a weird question ?
I think a possible better question may be, where are you heading ?
We are all heading some place, even if we are not really sure where that is, or how to get there.

Is it offensive to ask someone where they came from ?
Is it offensive to ask someone where they are going ?

In a country like Australia where there are loads of people who have come from loads of various places, it's not uncommon to ask the question. Sometimes we are surprised by the answer and a real dialogue of conversation commences.

But with the other question, a whole pile of opportunity also exists.

I wonder how many of us Christians these days care about where others are heading .
Whether we care enough to even ask the question in the first place .
Whether we are equipped to help others think about a different destiny .

Monday night at our church we are commencing a new series called "Towards Belief ", it is an intentional and strategic discussion series that intends on helping people think through the hard issues of life and consider the Christian worldview.

Maybe you might come along and join in on the deliberate idea of helping one another be more equipped to ask the question...

Where are you heading ?
What will happen to your life if you continue with the current stuff you are doing in your life ?

Would you consider trusting Jesus Christ with your life. ?

Come along...join in.

I will try and not ask you where you came from ......

For more information...
Or ring Ringwood Salvos .....during normal business hours.
Even if we have started , you can still come along.


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