Crisis of Belief

According to Henry Blackaby, a great modern day pastor and preacher, Author, people often go through this "Crisis of Belief".

I would add, maybe we need to have many Crisis', before we can actually grow into the people God wants us to be.

Quote from the book " Experiencing God " (Blackaby):

" An encounter with God requires faith. Encounters with God are God sized. What you do in response to God's revelation (invitation) reveals what you believe about God. True faith requires action "

The crisis often comes when we are challenged beyond our comfort zone or pesonal perspective or world view.

Someone will challenge what you believe and you will be caused to go back to what it is you actually believe.

Many Christians never seem to go through these Crisis' because there is not much, or very little challenge coming their way.

a few other thoughts from Blackaby ( and Scripture ) you might need to grab this book for yourself and take a read for yourself, for the entire thought and teaching.

1. The crisis often comes when it is something that only God could do.

2. Obedience shows faith.

3. I can see God at work through me. It is possible.

4. Joining God requires faith and action.

5. What you "do", tells what you "believe".

6.Actions speak.


It leads us to surrender amidst the crisis...


A prayer for the crisis....( from the book)

Dear Jesus,

each day brings another crisis of belief. I must make decisions that show whether I trust myself or whether I depend absolutely upon You. I must act on Your purposes that You have revealed to me. You have provided the chance for me to participate in God sized tasks. Keep me from temptation of looking for "me" sized tasks. God, I want the world to see You at work in Your world, in Your church, in my life. The only way this will happen is for me to trust You, follow You, and obey You. Help me do this today. Lord show me Your way. I will follow it today, no matter what the reaction the world has and no matter what result comes in my life.


On Thursday in our Cluster:

we were challenged about whether we choose popularity with our church over obedience to Christ.

I was greatly impacted by this statement and since then have decided that once again I choose obedience to Christ, and all that means for me.


This morning in my quiet time, God gently spoke to me about how those around Jesus in those last days of His very public ministry, were more than just hurtful to Him, but killed Him. Misunderstood Him, abused Him, named Him and He was the Son of God.

I wonder why if I should expect anything less than Jesus ?

There are some fundamental things I hold as true, and cant be shaken on these things. These things have been laid in my life and beliefs over many years of observation of TSA churches as well as other churches and much reading about What God is doing in our world..... these things have now shaped my personal ministry belief and style and who I am.

The temptation is, to be silent and quiet, and as such, lessen the potential negative impact on my life.


If God call us to change the way we think about things, a crisis will come. You will need to work it out for yourself. If He calls you to change your lifestyle, you will need to grapple with that. If He calls you into ministry, you will need to grapple with that also.

One thing is unavoidable for any of us, when He speaks, if we are actually listening to Him, we will not be left the same, not if we are true and obedient to Him at least.

His ways are the right ways.


so for me....


I know whom I have believed,and am persuaded that He is able ..... Crisis and all.


I will not be popular, and it is impossible to please all.

I wish I could do that, But Jesus didnt, and He was the Son of God.


so love me or hate me...I am who I am,

and I Know what God is doing in me, and its His way for me,

all the way. and I mean all the way.



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