Thoughts from Today !!!

A few things happened today which messed with my head.

Firstly, I spent some time with a respiratory doctor, who was talking to me about some breathing issues I am having. That was quickly followed by a CT scan where they wanted to inject something into me to help the scan, and that caused me grief. Yeah I know I am a wuss..... weak, pathetic... but I hate needles, never alone the thought of some kind of stuff causing my head to warm up... so I nearly feinted.... sad I know.

Got the through the scan after that injection idea was aborted..... 2 more tests to go.

And then a very good friend shared with me tonight, and some blessings were once again imparted.

Life and Ministry are interesting things. here's my amazing insights....

Without breath,(oxygen) we are dead. ( I thought I was going to die today...)

but seriously.....

Without the breath of God, as Christians we are not in that good a shape also.

" Breathe on me breath of God, fill me with life anew "

" Breathe on me breath of God, love and life that makes me new "

words of 2 great worship songs.... and God speaks through our friends, through His Word, through experiences, through worship songs..... this life, this newness... this shaping and His purpose.

God wants our attention, He wants us.

I am not that interested in being dead right now, physically or spiritually. I am ready for heaven, but I have much still to do on earth, (when my time is up, it will come quick enough) but in the meantime, for my life I am interested in Gods power flowing through me, in me, and out of me... His breath...His power...His love.

and hopefully flowing out of me will be words of courage and blessing to others around me.

I hope thats what people experience when they hear me or speak with me. And I apologise if thats not been the case.


May God Himself breathe new life hope.... new mercy.... new peace right into your heart today.






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