a personal, yet public blog...(my mixed feelings today)

It's finally here, Mel and Bryce's wedding.

(its wedding eve).

I have so many mixed emotions, anxious, joyous, proud, privileged, blessed, concerned, nervous, excited, content and yet unsettled.

Why ?

we have been on this amazing journey over the past few years and in many ways it all culminates tomorrow.

Bryce (if you should somehow read this) you are the best thing that ever happened to Mel. Thanks mate for your faithfulness, patience, love, grace and commitment. You are truly awesome. I know that your life has become complicated in a few ways, but you have weathered that storm, and you will be stronger as a result of that. You are precious to Jules and I. We are proud to welcome you into our family as our son in law. We love you man, you are just amazing.

Mel,(I doubt you will read this, but doesn't matter if you do or dont) I am so proud of you (both) but Mel you have come so far, I love you very much. I am proud to be your dad, and yeah I know we are exactly the same person in so many ways, and for that I apologise to you. However, I have some good traits as well, and hopefully that will help you . :)

What does a dad say to his daughter as she is about to be married ? I will most likely say the important stuff at the wedding... but I do want to express my feelings, I am so pumped for you Mel, you have so much going for you... put the past behind you, let the mistakes fall from your mind. Let the past be relegated to stay there... dont bring the past into the present and certainly dont allow it to change your future, Let the hurts drop away, allow the peace and love of God to fill your heart and mind, and the love of your husband to embrace your inner being to its very core. I dont think there is anything more special (on this earth at least) than when another person chooses "you". as you did Bryce, and as Bryce did you.

God bless your marriage Mel and Bryce...and your future. ( and thanks God for Coldrock Icecream)




In other thoughts for me today...

Sometimes people say stuff that sticks in your mindset and damages you. Recently, this happened to me.

I have found myself grappling with the lies, and insults as well as "bullyish" behaviour of others, and I know that I am not alone with this, as I try to help others who have also been bullied and hurt.

Others who are shaped by careless words thrown at them by people who dont seem to be aware of the damage they inflict or even deliberate words used to belittle and demean others.





all of these has no place in the Kingdom of God, neither has it any place in the life of a Christ follower, and we all find ourselves mixed up in it at times, and we need to repent of it and turn away from it and not be involved in it. ALL OF US !!!!

We must not be carriers of it and if we are the victims of it, which we all can be at times, then we must allow God to heal our inner heart and mind. And no way allow it to settle upon us.

We are shaped by God, we were designed and created for Him, by Him and in the likeness of His Son.

We are His children, we have divine destiny upon our lives we are purposed for His pleasure.

We are not junk, we were never created to be junk, we are not flawed, we are not useless, we are all blessed, we all have gifts to use for Him and if anyone tells you otherwise, that you are incapable, not good enough, ? if anyone says to you that you are worthless ? or no good ? or weak ? or silly ? or stupid ? or pathetic ? or hopeless? or anything else negative ? do not let it settle in your spirit.

Jesus see's you as good enough to die on a cross for.

He see's your potential. He knows just how special you are, and even if no other human see's it or say's it, He knows and that is all that really matters.

He knows you are awesome, and died for you so that you would live for Him forever.


I have seen people damage others so badly on this earth that they are never the same again. Some people just seem to want to destroy everyone else around them. This leaves scars in peoples hearts. The old saying is true, hurt people hurt people !!

Friends, if you are in a position today where you are damaged, hurt, feel rejected, abandoned, then turn it over to The Lord God today...ask Him and allow Him to heal your heart. He is good enough and more powerful than we could ever imagine, if we will just trust him to do some heart surgery in us all.

and if there have been bully's in your life ? well.... we have all had them, the best thing we can do for them, is firstly pray for them... and ask God to reveal His grace and power to them as well, most likely they are acting out of some kind of hurt/ damage themselves.

but secondly...dont allow their words to settle in your spirit.... let the words of the bully, fall to the ground at your feet...


You are better than that.

You are chosen.

You are a child of the most High God.

He died for you.

You are precious in His sight.

That makes you awesome.

well done !!!!



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