A new reality.

These past few weeks have rushed past me, I can barely believe what has happened and what is about to happen.

Mel and Bryce are now married( one month now), and a part of me feels a sense of sadness that she has moved out and away. There is another part of me that is incredibly happy for her, because she is very happy and seems so content,  and that just makes me feel awesome.

And now we speed towards Chelsea and Ankits wedding, in just 3 weeks. And then off to India we go.

So life is interesting... there is so much going on, sometimes it feels "unreal".

But in the middle of the "unreal " something is very real and that is the knowledge that my life is changing dramaticaly these days.

It is so pleasing to know that God never changes, never, ever.

And yes in the middle of all of this, for me personally, is the sense deep within me, that God is calling me to a new place in Him.

A new experience, a new understanding, a new reality.  

To leave the old behind, to move into the unknown, total dependance upon Him, complete reliance upon Him.  Whatever that looks like.

Sometimes our reality changes, and it is due to changes in our circumstances, sometimes it needs to change, other times you have no choice.
But when a Christian has submitted to the Lordship of God and to His Sovereignty, ......when we live a life that is surrendered... then you can be pretty sure that your life won't remain the same.

Now, my personal changes are not just due to the Godly order in my life,( I know) but I can honestly tell you that some things actually need to change in my life, and maybe in yours too.  

I have this very deep awareness that God is in fact calling me to go deeper than I have ever been before In Him.  In the times when I feel sad, I sense Him speaking to me, just whispering my name.

I have found myself, a few times in tears as I grapple with this, but I also sense Him very close in these times, -  times of crisis, times of pain, times of loss, times of  despair, times of emptiness...

and the devil is close by, as well, telling me how pathetic I am... 


This is the battle isnt it ?  well maybe just for me.

I have wondered  about this battle this year, the struggle, the voices, loud and soft..... 

I have wondered why... 

and then there is the still quiet voice that gently whispers my name and  reminds me who I am, what I am to be, and who is alongside and within me.

Jesus, the lover of my soul....the one who loves me to the depths of my inner being....that only He and I know about...and He loves me for who I am, warts and tears and mistakes and failures and everything else as well.

Yep....my life is changing.  I will be ok.

we all will be, when we trust the Saviour of the World with our deepest soul secrets.

and now again a  wedding is being readied...

Mel and Bryce's wedding day was the best day of our families life so far...  

Chels and Ankit's will be the same....   India will be interesting, we will all be together and thats just the very best thing.  A family celebration like we have never celebrated before, and a new chapter of our lives, for all of us.

I can sense my mindset and values changing hugely.... its all good.

Jesus is still in my heart. 

Its all about Him.

I pray that when I come through this time, I will be more useful for King Jesus. 

A valuable assett for the Kingdom, a viable resource for Kingdom purpose and a formidable enemy to the devil.

there is a new reality starting to dawn / break out....  in Gary Grant.  

and it's all good !!!!!!



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