STOP. !!!!!!!! it's all about the heart.

What is more important than ability ? Heart attitude.

What is more crucial than skill ? Heart attitude.

What is more important than good looks ? Heart attitude. ( although good looks helps

What is more vital than wealth ? or knowledge ? Heart attitude.


it is what is going on in the heart of a person that shines through. out of the mouth of a person, shows what is going on in their heart.

I would rather have the right heart than anything else.

recently .... I have discovered about myself, that others can try and squeeze you into a mold. You know, do what they expect of you to do. Be who they expect you to be, and when you start living your life that way, you become false and fake... not measuring up to anyones expectations, and worse still, falling short of who you were created to be. And the greatest danger of all, missing the mark on who God asks us to be.

Missing the mark, is sin. It's the best defintion of sin I know.


I am Gary Grant, I am a Major in The Salvation Army, that means I have ministered for around 18 years, I have been through Human dissasters / Massacres, grown a church, planted a church, coordinated a new building program, built leadership teams, and preached Gods Word hundreds of times. I have done too many funerals to remember, and attended and ministered some of the most tragic of circumstances.....I have been touched by God, I serve Him, I am a husband, a father, a son. I have prayed and listened and heard from God. I am doing exactly what He wants for my life. I am not perfect, I am a work in progress. I have much to do, and I am still on a journey that is being shaped by God Himself. Soon I will perform the weddings of both of my daughters, I will give their hands in marriage and lead them through their vows...

I am very blessed.


In amongst this though, I have allowed myself to lose my focus.... to lose my "oomph".... I spoke about this recently in my church at Ringwood. Its easy for us to lose our heart attitude and allow it to be squashed in and through many ways.

As I prayed this morning I felt I heard God say to me, get your mojo back.... get back to being who I raised you to be, I didn't make you to be junk, to be second rated, or underrated...I didn't create in you a bad and dirty or divided or damaged heart, I created a good and clean heart.... He gave me insights, a leadership mantle, that may not measure up to every human around me, but over the past 18 years it has caused some others to follow Jesus. He created a mix of Spiritual gifts in me, that are meant to be for His use, from my heart.... and somehow, I have allowed what others think of me, to diminish that... so it must stop.

Today I draw a line in the sand of my own life and say STOP. Enough .

I must and I will get my mojo back and start to live out who I am, instead of who others think I should be. Especially based on their opinion of me, I love the Lord God, and I am here to serve Him and His purposes on the earth the way He made me, and I know I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

I serve Jesus Christ. I intend on allowing Him to continue to create in me a pure and clean and holy heart, a heart that has humility, not arrogance.... not thinking I am any better than anyone or everyone else around me, a heart that is full of love and joy and purpose.


I intend on serving Jesus and doing what He has called me to do and who He has called me to be, and that is " ME ".


The best is yet to come in my life and ministry.


I dont know what you want for your heart, but the best thing you could ever want for yourself, is humility in your heart and not an arrogance before God and others. What does it prove to think we are any better than anyone else ? What does it prove to put others down or to belittle them ? why do that ? It is best to allow God to soften our heart, to allow Him to work in our heart, to speak truth and allow the fruit of His Spirit to be evident in us, all of us need this. Fruit, like, compassion, mercy, self control, gentleness, kindness, love, forgiveness, blessing others ...serving others and not wanting to be served. Helping and lifting others, not putting them down, sometimes we think we are helping others, but if we have to lift ourselves in that process, all we are really doing is, making the other feel weak and powerless. When all we can do is criticize and complain, we miss the point of being who God intends us to be.... yes, He calls us to be salt and light, but not salt in an open wound, but salt as to bring flavour...light as to gently give direction in the dark.

May The Lord God bless you deeply today in your heart, where it matters the most.



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