My Life is about to change !!!!

I have had many changes in my life, (in no particular order)......... the day I got married, started work, had kids, left home, went into ministry, bought my first car... and of course some of the big mistakes in my life changed me as well.

So, for me, and for Jules, life is about to change big time... our daughters will both be married within the next couple of months. The first wedding is in less than one month and the next 6 weeks after, and for the first time in 28 years we will be empty nesters.

it will no doubt take some adjusting.... and more than likely, a few tears as well.

we love our girls and we will miss them, even though they wont be living very far away from us for a while, but life is about to change.

there could be loads of things I could mention, like routines, and the normal life issues that every family faces, but for us, its a pretty big year.

I am not complaining...just blogging !!!!!

here is what it looks like...

  • 4 weeks to the first wedding.
  • 3 weeks after that we visit Perth for a weekend while Jules speaks at a women's conference, and I hang with some friends.
  • 3 weeks after that the second wedding.
  • 2 days after that, we travel to India, for the Indian celebration with the other family.
  • we then arrive home Late October, just in time for Christmas preparation.
  • straight away after Christmas, early January, I then travel to London for 6 weeks of ICO, followed by 4 weeks of leave in London and maybe Paris. (with Jules joining me in late February)
  • back home in March in time for Easter and back into work.

so life is about to go nuts....for me !!! But its not bad... its good, but it is going to change my life.


Sometimes our lives need to have changes. Sometimes we need to be challenged and shaken out of comfort zones and normality. Sometimes we just need to go nuts for a bit.


Jesus Changed my life, and still challenges me every single day. And there is still some more change required for me personally.


and here's another thought....

its not rocket science this....


BUT... if you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting what you already have.

If you want different results in your life, if you actually want (or need ) change, then you have to mix up and change what you do in your life.


So... think about this... if your life, your ministry, your church, your career, your relationships, your family is stuck.... not much growth, not much life .... then everything that has been happening up until now has led the situation to be in the condition it is in.

If you want a different result, a different condition... then the process must change.


That really has nothing to do with the changes about to happen to us, but .... change is something some people either love or hate, but in this world it is inevitable, everything changes..... our age, our families, our work, our kids, our parents, our finances, (after a couple of weddings etc sigh !!!!) and also our church and social networks.


the one thing that never changes is God Himself. what a relief that is.


And there is this further truth that must always be considered.... in every situation, church, family, work, life...

if you are hitting a brick wall, not winning, not achieving what could potentially be achieved, if things are stagnant or going backwards.... then you MUST change the processes, otherwise you will stay stuck.

And right here at this position you will potentially have some pain.

But the old analogy is still true, no pain no gain.


Yep, my life is about to change again.... and for our family massive change.

But Love will carry us through. It always has and it always will.






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