ICO 8 - The Lessons of ICO ( Final)

It's all over, ( well nearly )..... just a bible study and the final ceremonies...and that is it for session 224. I can barely believe it. AND actually in some ways I am quite sad. Now before I get too far into this blog, I am happy to be catching up with Jules and being reunited and then travelling home, I love my family and miss them more than words can express. So..let's be clear about that, but I am going to miss this experience and the new friendships I have formed. every night at the end of our ICO progran we would share in what we called the "Tunnocks Lounge", these were amazing nights of bonding and chatting and recounting the days activities, laughing often til we could laugh no more.... eating Tunnocks chocolates, drinking coffee, and just being around each other. This was very very good. and I will miss it. (more than words can say) Lesson 1: I havent laughed as much as this in years, perhaps I had forgotten how to laugh ? Maybe... it certain...