ICO 7 - Vulnerability and Opposition

There is nothing like being away from home and your Ministry appointment to gain perspective and insight. I know God called me, its just that He never told me just how difficult ministry would actually be, especially when opposition comes to the cause that God called you to. - And to the way in which He hardwired me and created me. You know, my inner most thoughts and ideas and ways, and dreams and hopes and vision.

Now in fairness to Him, if we all knew just how tough it could become, there's a pretty good chance many of us would never have signed up in the first place. Truth be known, I may not have.

It raises many questions in my mind.... some of which have no answers really.

Opposition from within the movement vs opposition from outside of the movement ?

Being true to the Call, true to yourself even if there are some terrified of you and the way you lead and the character you have ?

Is it fair ? No.

Is it true ? Yes.

One of my key goals is being addressed in these last couple of days and that is all about criticism, opposition, and how I handle that in my own personal life. Which leads me to write this blog today.

Being vulnerable to some is seen as weakness, but God doesnt see it that way.

Being vulnerable, or being open and transparent can be easily mistaken for weakness or a flaw in your character, yet.... Christ Himself was vulnerable to the point of death to the critics of His day. To those He Opposed and those who opposed Him, it led to death.... but nevertheless ...faithful He was to be.

I love what God is doing inside my heart and mind. I am aware of things changing in me, and around me, I am aware of a very deep call back to some truths that I have held for years in my spirit, but was snuffed out a few years ago, and I allowed that to happen.

I am also greatly aware that things as they are, cannot stay the way they are, and if that makes others feel nervous, sorry. Change is inevitable and in my life and ministry, it is required.

I dont know how far the changes will go, or how deep or how wide, but I know that change is in the air for me.

I will embrace it. Search for it. Pray for it.

AND I will be obedient to Jesus in my life, whatever that means.

Being vulnerable means, for me, kind of just opening up myself to others and to God.

To allow yourself to be seen and perhaps observed as weak or a failure is not welcomed by all, for some, maybe many, want to put up a facade of - " I'm Ok, but deep down I am shatterred ". you know appearing to have it all together when just beneath the surface of their being it is falling apart.

Well friends... and others.... I am weak.

I am totally dependent upon the Lord Jesus. And learning to be even more so.

He is my strength. My Light and my hope and I will be obedient to Him whatever that actually means.

I have long way to travel on my journey as a Christ follower, and I am humbled and grateful that God has never given up on me amidst my failure, weakness and mistakes.

In ICO God has given to me people around me who have journeyed with me over these past weeks. we have shared in each others lives, laughed together, cried together, and shared some very intimate and deeply personal moments with each other. ( Thanks guys ) we have talked over our ministries, our personal lives, our families, our failures, our mistakes, our hopes and our dreams... we have shared the stuff that gets under our skin and why, and we have prayed together about these things.

God has given me (us) a gift. It is called ICO, and I will never be the same again.


there have been some pretty interesting defining moments as well...

let me give a few:

- (the bus driver on the way home from Coventry Cathedral ) :)

- David and Ann and The South American contingent showing us how to dance. ( sorry no video )

- Tunnocks lounge


- and of course... Edgardo singing in Spanish.... and I am serious about this one... I have never been more moved by a man of God as I have by this awesome man.




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