ON the Edge !!!

I feel like I am on the edge. Not the edge of a cliff, or tall building about to fall off, but on the edge of something bigger and better in my life . It's not the best feeling, because its neither here nor there. Have you ever felt it ? You know the feeling that if something doesnt happen you could fail or fall, or worse still, start living in a rut of mundane-ness ? and yet, if something does happen, you may or may not be able to handle it, but it sure looks better than what you currently are doing. Well I feel like I am on the edge of something better than what I personally experience right now. It's a kind of spiritual thing, but also a deeply personal thing. Its a sense that I cannot remain in the situation I am in, but also that I have no control ( In some ways) about what should or could happen next. I want to get off the edge and into the "new thing", but there is still this nagging doubt, this feeling of the fear of the unknown, a fear of failure, a...